This last weekend was all about The Walking Dead: Season 5, Episode 15 "Try" (22 Mar. 2015). I've not done a rewatch at all yet, so this is all you guys. Usual rulz- I get 10 graphics per panel, pic snips click to sources, and I'll link updates from twitter as I go.
And before I even start I got so totally distracted in youtube. Have I linked this one yet? It's a weird work jam, but I got a kick out of it.
I missed warm up but I managed to jump in early enough to catch my boyz. Click it to see the whole convo, sort of a #SnarkAlecs style remembrance tribute to Noah.
Nick was definitely not a saint. Get it? Saint Nicholas... Too early? Move along.
Rob Lowe's resume- "Prime Walking Dead commercial hotspot personality". Because that alone just trumped the rest of his career, right?
If Holly were in the zombie apocalypse she'd just shoot anybody that got in the way of her Crown, lol. Rick's beard would've gotten outa her way.
We can dream. I was actually agreeing about Gabriel. I like dirty Daryl.
Twitter revs up like a biker gang before the show starts, and then it immediately turns into this (at the end of the video) after the show starts. Tell me I'm not right. I don't know why everyone cuts off the ambulance escort scene, that would've been perfect for my point here. (Yes, I watched a whole pile of them looking for it.)
That's right, guys, big reminder here, next week is 1 1/2 hours long. Plan your snacks, pets, and family life accordingly.
O_O *wo* Might wanna poke your eyeballs out- don't do it! Wait till I'm done with the live tweet review!
All righty, you know the drill. Back in a few.
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The Walking Dead
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Someone put a 'kick me' sign on his back, please.
Kill a guy because Carol says to or beat some mother-loving sense into him. Kill a guy because Carol says to or openly engage in a public confrontation about domestic violence. Kill a guy because Carol says to or... Aw, hell, just go kill the guy- strike one.
Strike two. Hey, mentally ill sabotage is regrettable but we gotta keep these people SAFE. Wonder if two mentally ill people cancel each other out. Wait, how many mentally ill/nervous breakdown people have we tagged now?
Bcuz Glengence.
You know... those strawberries coulda been laced with something. That's probably how I'd handle stuff like that if I were around there. "Here, kid, give your father these cookies." "Here, pastor, have some strawberries." I don't know how these heart attacks keep happening.
At least he's not a preacher...
I'm done. On the off chance that you haven't heard TWD autotuned yet, here you go.
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*guilt stabs through the night* Oh, and Datu is a character from a zombie podcast.
Even I almost took this one personally.
True dat.
Every week someone thinks it's Glenn. That's how they get us.
#Eugeneluv Whodathunk?
slow clap
Word. But don't give them ideas.
I'm still back there at "Glengence". Unfortunately, what should really be the correct spelling was used first by this guy.
Psychopath, actually. He's basically saying push them out to die. Of all the people we've met, he's the one who can't seem to forgive, and he keeps demonstrating destructive compulsions. If he were a zombie he'd dial those nerves down a bit. Get this boy some sanctified xanax.
But has he kissed anyone yet? If he kisses Daryl, then that's Judas kissing Judas. O_o wo
One more to go.
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This is kind of how I envision grown up Opie rockin the zombie apocalypse.
I read that the hardest part of filming the revolving door scene in Shanghai Knights was avoiding the camera reflection. I catch camera reflections in all kinds of shows, like old Star Treks, etc. You can see behind the scenes on how the Walking Dead revolving door part was filmed. They've got so many people being reflected in frame bursts, I'm sure we could find a slip if we frame by frame at home.
Same thing. For some of us.
See. Same thing.
I can't even imagine testing my nerves like this if I had that coming up.
This was too cute to censor.
I think the best part of the live tweets is when directions all go skidding out of control and suddenly you're just surfing pure emotion.
Live filming a live tweet. You know, one of these days they'll show us the TV show split screened with running live media reaction, and in the end we'll wind up watching ourselves watch stuff. And then Daryl will say one of our names and the screaming will start.
Well, played, AMC.
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I'm a big OSHA fan. I'd be stripping and sterile fielding all over that zombie apocalypse.
I get twitter cursed with Chuck Norris parody accounts following me every time I retweet stuff like this.
This might still be possible. The Walking Dead: Season 4b - Is Abraham BAD NEWS For Daryl Fans?
How many of you really walked around saying this at work Monday?
It was such a beautifully organized warehouse before our guys got there and messed things up. Were the zombies all on break when the apocalypse hit?
Thul Couture Yes, you do. You know you do.
Golden tweet award. Someone put a star sticker on this guy's head. Click it for full appreciation.
"In my office!" *duckhuddle*
@bonenado told me he actually lays awake unable to sleep after Walking Dead because he thinks about all the things he'd have done differently. We're gonna be so ready.
I'll be back.
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Time to go shopping.
Ha, good one, apparently Radio Shack has earned zombie status in several retail articles. Dead brand walking
You know, with all the biblical metaphors and references and names, one could conceivably stretch a Noah character review into bridging the gap between the world purge and a new hope, except the 'great flood' he's caught in later is demonstrated as not having been something overcome after all in a tiny place of relative safety. (You guys know they offer college courses for political spin, right? I so missed my calling.) But I'm sprinting wildly ahead of myself, sorry about that.
They're like old rubber bands...
This next snip clicks to original post, and here's why. Plus I'm a speed reader. And know how to use a pause button. By the way, Brad does the Blogging Dead recaps for the Panama City News Herald, but be warned- he's super spoilery and writes like he's bored. I think it's more fun recapping what you guys say than throwing another recap onto a pile of thousands, but I digress.
Like this one. Click it. You. guys. are. awesome.
We'd all voted Aiden off the island anyway. Can being eaten alive possibly hurt much more than two huge spikes through your collarbone/shoulder blade and your ribs/lung? I'm pretty sure I'd have been numb with shock or blacked out. Like watching lions eat a zebra, it goes into shock long before it's dead. I keep digressing, what is up with me today? >=l FOCUS!
One of those blurred line moments, two completely different scenes. Since I wasn't actually watching the show at the time because y'all keep me glued to the feeds, I didn't catch the implications going on between Carol and the kid until I rewatched later. It's easy to blow other people's kids off, but there was a time in my life when a kid came to me hinting at a problem and I was too unaware to alert someone, which is kind of awful to look back on and see now. That the kid saw a new stranger as less of a threat during a zombie apocalypse than his own family gave me chills. Please check out this site if you have questions. National Domestic Violence Hotline
I assume you all are paying attention, as well. BE READY!!!
We suddenly shoot off into a whole new direction and my eyeballs twirled as the feeds screeched around corners I didn't see coming.
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Ok, back to work.
If you're here and haven't seen this episde yet, there's still time to CLOSE YOUR EYES.
There should be a support group for preachers who watch The Walking Dead.
I'm already cringing going back through these *snif*.
Embrace the dirty Daryl.
What was that music, anyway? Here's the answer. Here's the song.
Now I've got that song stuck in my head. "Now you're going to die." How apropos.
Eugene is comfortable. If Jake from State Farm were in the zombie apocalypse I'm sure he'd lose the khakis, too.
Idea people are important, too. Just sayin.
I actually like Eugene because he is annoying you guys. >=D haha
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Thanx for being so patient, and now here is your reward. I call it "A Study of Daryl's Leg". There are several twitter accounts for various parts of Daryl's body, like Daryl's Legs, Daryl's Arms, Daryl's Right Nut, and of course Daryl's Crossbow and Daryl's Ear Necklace. If you need a more spiritual connection, you can also try Daryl Dixon's Angst. I know it's hard on some of you when the Daryl level goes down or even disappears from week to week. If that's the case, you need to be following the man behind the Daryl, Norman Reedus.
And in case you need theme music while you look back over those.
You said it, Hols.
By the way, you can also follow Daryl's Motorcycle on twitter, and check out AMC's vlog talk with Norman about the new bike. (For those who don't know me that well yet, my dad owned a Honda shop and I was practically conceived on a motorcycle. Daycation)
Lemme go load more stuff and we'll get back to the live tweet in the next panel.
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I'm a foodie. Always cracks me up the food I see coming through during one of the bloodiest shows on TV. You want brownies now, right? Since today is St. Patrick's Day and I had a mild fever and no food yesterday and now I'm thinking about zombies, I'm making this weird leap from Irish brownies to eating brownies. +_+
Now I wish Carol had made brownies.
You guys are so cute still making these little discoveries two episodes later.
Musta had some spares in a pocket.
Has anyone looked Leviticus up yet? That was torn at chapter 3, the peace offering without blemish. You can see why the guy's a nervous wreck.
I heard the last tweet in this next snip in Peter Cook's voice.
Just for that, I'm posting the commercial right after this snip. >=D heh heh
I hafta leave now. Special surprise when I come back to this.
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So this week's live tweet was for s5ep14 "Spend". This review may turn into a week-long adventure amidst ongoing facepalms, starting with Friday the 13th and plowing straight on through my luck o' the Irish today, as I've finally become brave enough to eat a real meal again and abruptly broke a tooth, so all work is once again cast aside for adventures at the dentist. Let me pause and give this event a proper nod while we reflect on how dental emergencies would be handled in the event of a zombie apocalypse. I'm picturing rusty pliers.
Who knows, maybe they have a dentist in Alexandria. Rick probably needs a tooth pulled. That is likely the understatement of the year after seeing the condition the rest of him was in before that shower.
I made it to pre-game warm up this time.
Yeah, I think they were a little afraid to rassle Daryl to the ground & pour a bucket of water over him.
And then I broke a tooth #bumpit.
I just realized that Carol has outstanding teeth for being an apocalypse gal.
I was so irked when I saw this tweet and realized that I completely missed Pi Day. >=l
Back to the burbs and judgy's so judgy. The Walking Dead live tweet is like surfing, you wax up your keyboard, rivet one eyeball to each screen, and hang on for dear life. You people who can get these pix out in real time are like twitter gods.
Did I say it?
Hope you all lifted one high for Greg.
Ok, you know how this goes, I get ten graphix per panel, pix snips click back to sources, and I'll tweet links out as I get more done. Don't hold your breaths that I'll get finished in one day this time.
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So, at the beginning of the episode the secret meeting was cool, but at the end Rick and Daryl have secrets now and I'm betting Carol knows they're getting sucked into following white rabbits. Even together they aren't really together any more now.
I think there are two Ricks now.
In the meantime, they've successfully implanted APPLESAUCE into my head, I've looked up a dozen sites already trying to find out more about the stupid apples around there.
What in Terminus does A mean?
I got this whole creepy Brick in the Wall vibe going.
I saw this just as the tweet was ending. Buttons took the fall this time.
This clicks to original deviantart source.
By the way, I think Deanna and Mary (Terminus) were sisters, and Deanna is going to get her revenge. Wild shot in the dark and most likely completely wrong. See you next week.
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Big Brother, guys. It's all there, training the children to point out who gets killed next.
You guys are precious. =D
Judith was having one of those 'hey, get a room' moments.
"Horrific event" = "My party was ruined".
Culture shock. When I'm in the zombie apocalypse, I'm going to create a really good fake KFC recipe and act like everything's normal, just to be annoying.
All the best parties have some kind of meltdown.
Emily Post time. The how-to of brain eating for zombies
Word, dude.
The New World Order. Get used to it.
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I've gotta keep remembering there is no spoon and not get so emotionally involved. Where were we? A is for Alexandria, right?
Bets on that she gets to surprise him later.
I wish he had.
I hope there's a lot more to the whole applesauce thing than it just being said and/or focused on in every episode. Something sinister lurking in the old apple orchard, as it were.
Speaking of wanting a pasta maker (because where else do I put this), that's gotta be a prearranged convo prompt that the town agreed on in a secret meeting ahead of this party. I mean, she evidently keeps saying she wants one, but who the heck is this person and why does it keep coming up? "Souvenirs, novelties, party tricks...."
I don't always realize right away what I'm retweeting.
I don't apologize for my obsessive love for Mr. Bean. Apparently I'm not alone.
BUT. Once again, how genius is this cooking up a plan to get Daryl out of the way. Daryl has a history of winding up with bad people when the good people let him slip through the cracks.
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Before we start back up, just wanna point out how worms and occasional dog protein are awesome for mass. Also, in case of a real apocalypse, get to know your local greens. You'd be surprised at how many weeds out there help prevent scurvy.
Daryl iz the horse. It's one of them mety-fours. Soon as anyone gets close, off he runs. I was very surprised to see Aaron picking off walkers like he invoked Sasha or something, except he made it look like zen. Lotta stuff we still don't know about Aaron.
I blame Dawn for the cup of hot chocolate that magically appeared at my side just now.
Wumbo is a thing. You'll be tested on this.
If these people are making fine aged cheeses, I'm THERE.
Yeah, what do you wear to a party in the zombie apocalypse?
Mety-fourically, #saveDaryl. We might be seeing a hint of things to come. Just as they were cornered in Terminus, the horse is cornered in a fenced field. If Daryl goes off on his own, there will be no one to save him. Mety-fourically. Here is where I first suspected that this is how they control the pet zombies, using local feral livestock going into the same field to keep the zombies rambling around in a radius instead of randomly. Daryl may be a great woodsman, but he's not a farmer. The fence is the first thing I saw coming in that scene. It's like a wall, but invisible. Please tell me someone else out there is getting all this layered symbolism.
The party is actually what really started ticking me off. Our gang fell for this whole head game so hard, even invisible Carol. This whole party felt like a mind game trap to me. Literally being separated from each other while they're all packed in the same room and taken in different mental directions was so genius on Deanna's part, and I've gotta stop before I shake my laptop and smash up a window throwing it out. *huffing off*
Did anyone else notice that stamper boy's mom was inked up?
All kinds of symbols were peeking out at us every direction she turned.
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So Carol is emptying out her mag on this one walker. Are you remembering those pictures? Tell me this isn't the same shirt. I was going back and forth on my tv checking to see if all those lines matched up because I think it's entirely possible.
Deanna had said that she'd had to turn out a few people, which was like a death sentence. Were they marked first, then killed, and then used as a weird sort of perimeter patrol to keep real people away before they could be filtered in a more purposeful way? Do they use zombies they created as watch dogs? Have we been getting hints that zombies might be slightly trainable in some weird way? Does this explain the familiarity the Alexandria patrol had with abusing certain zombies as a sort of game? Am I overthinking this? Sorry. Moving on.
I've gotta ask a few more questions real fast and then we'll go back to the live tweet. (You guys are lucky you don't sit in the same room with me when I watch TV. I pause a lot.) Is Alexandria the hub of outlying engineered communities like Terminus? Terminus was able to broadcast, is that how they knew about our gang? Are these communities working together like a network? Are they choosing who they want the survivors to be?
Ok, let's get back to you guys.
Because government. Like guvna.
This Deanna tweet spun me around.
My face through this whole episode.
You know, like, lizard pie. There's always going to be food talk.
Picked up a straggler. Someone was really into that hawt Carol action.
Here is a complimentary Daryl pic while I go work some more.
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