Do you guys remember that Scrooged promo that gave an old lady a heart attack because it scared her to death? I saw so many tweets last night saying "I can't breathe" and "I'm going to vomit" that I started thinking how Cross would have embraced that.
I love that #couchofdeath is a thing. I can't help wondering if all the other late night talk show hosts are envious of Hardwick's couch of death.
Are you watching the same show I am? o_O
Sasha's crazy scenes this season are the best.
Glenn Rises. Who else yelled when he showed back up? @bonenado was glad I was sitting on the floor with the laptop so I couldn't grab him by the shirt and shake him. I get a little excited.
When it comes right down to it, even beardless Rick is Moses. That was epic.
The sudden incongruity of seeing these synchronized tweets coupled with Abraham's speech convinces me that some of you guinea pigs are getting subliminal messages. Ok, just kidding. #SnarkAlecs get a little streamlined sometimes.
O_O I thought this exact same thing, it was so eerie seeing this tweet that my arm hairs went up.
Say it with me- "Apartminternet." You wanna see it now, right?
Rick needs an epic glow behind his staggering bloody self sometimes.
One more.
No announcement yet.
The Walking Dead
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Is Rick still Daryl's blood brother?
Heehee, good one.
Gabriel scores! *the crowd goes wild*
I think somebody needs a "I live tweeted the most talked about show on television and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" t-shirt for powering through.
When I first saw this come through I thought it was a joke. Now I'm thinking how convenient, it's in Los Angeles, what a great way to get a ton of cameos of all our fave actors dealing with the zombie apocalypse. I hope I get to see Kevin Sorbo chase a zombie out of his yard.
Oh, yeah, back to the multifold devastating tensions.
Oh, speaking of cows, the best April Fool's joke I ever played was the year I was letting dad sleep in while I did the early milking, and I got the bright idea to drop the milk in the yard (spilled milk made it look legit) and race into the house yelling that the cows were out. My dad was straight out of bed and halfway up the road in 2 minutes flat before I yelled April Fool's after him. #bumpitlikeamennonite Ok, sorry, back to the multifold devastating tensions.
Did any of you actually get up and look harder at your TV like you could find Glenn in the dark if you looked hard enough? I caught myself doing that.
Summer is already starting to look so empty without the weekly emotionally devastating twitter TWD love fest. And no one we know in real life understands.
Almost there....
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If there's time to lean, there's time to clean.
I woulda noped way before that.
It just dawned on me to wonder how many doctors must hate this show because their anxiety patients keep getting worse.
So it's Rick's fault. >=l #guncontrol
That must have been exactly what the writers thought when they realized they'd written Daryl and Aaron into an inescapable situation.
No kidding. o_o
An ironic death is a death not uselessly wasted.
I half expected Aaron to ask him to put the cigarette out.
Oops, here we go, tensest 5 minutes in Walking Dead history and @LaurenCohan bombs the live tweet with this.
2 1/2 panels to go. *_* Let's see if I can do this.
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I wonder if tourists from other countries get a little worried coming over here sometimes.
You'd think Daryl would be really suspicious of trailers by now, scout the area kind of thing.
Wonder if they ever had the birds and bees talk yet.
I actually made @bonenado pause the show so we could both crack up over the soup tweet.
I decided that guy's beer pic was too cool to walk on by. This clicks back to his instagram.
Everyone who actually said this out loud during the show before it happened gets to level up.
And fanboys.
I'm cautious just because I'm afraid I'll see spiders. Someone throws a big spider at me during the zombie apocalypse, I'll probably wind up plowing into a zombie horde just trying to get away from it.
This particular 'guys stuck in a car scene' was my fave. Aaron will have dreams in years to come.
Carol would be the kind of gramma who'd say she'll drown your kittens if you don't take care of them, and you'd be terrified she really means it, even though years later you'd realize she didn't.
Check out Kelly's podcast "A Saul and Battery", and tweet live with his show with #TalkSaul.
More coming, hang on.
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Let's not shrug off the advantages of being nomads just yet. "Nomads have been a distinct element within and carriers of civilizations.." about Nomadic and settled peoples. I don't think nomadism and civilization necessarily exclude each other. (Orange you glad I have a sociology degree?)
He's a good dad. Sasha could have used her daddy about then.
We've previously discussed this, but in case you forgot- Wumbo.
I wanna overthink this and wonder, since they're all infected anyway, whether a dormant or latent side effect of living in the zombie apocalypse is that whatever they're infected with already has them networked for a different agenda that is triggered at death, and they live with this conflict unconsciously and get bleed through into consciousness that looks and feels like insanity. In case you're interested in overthinking yourself since we'll have six months to kill anyway, here you go. The Walking Dead- Overthinking Zombies
Rick may too broken to orate principles well in a committee, but he knows a true double standard when he sees one.
Because gun cookies!
I was looking for that weird commercial with that prank, and I can't believe how many mattress pranks are on youtube.
Father Gabe needs a katana of truth.
Maybe if he had a suit of armour made out of bibles or something. Oh, wait, he tore his bible up.
O_O Um....
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Ok, where were we? I didn't catch this one during the live tweet but it's too awesome not to throw in here.
Lisa gets TWO gold stars.
Speaking of Ahnold, I could use some Norman eye candy as an older John in another new Terminator movie. Just saying, you know, if they're going to keep making those. Btw, this clicks out to bigger if you want to save it.
I have no words. *moment of silence*
Ok, you guys have to imagine me not actually watching my TV screen and seeing this stuff start rolling through.
I mean, I had no clue. I was all whaaaa until I looked up after this one and just cracked up.
Why has no one made a youtube tribute to Daryl with this song?! >=l
Back to Daryl. Found a nice close up vid of his motorcycle.
I had already forgotten about it, and I'm a foodie. Bad me!
Uh-oh, when twitter starts talking to the characters, all hell's about to break loose.
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I'd like to add that there is a difference between expressing the emotional roller coaster ride or making witty comebacks and just blurting a flat play by play like a sports broadcaster, which completely misses the point of live tweeting. I won't mention names. We're all guilty at some point.
In case you wanna see what Norman shared, click this to go to that tweet.
She's probably eating cookies...
Dude, we're trying to live tweet. Such a teaser. Click to go read his timeline.
Cute, New Balance. =)
Or maybe it portends...
lol, maybe it should've been a turtle foot hanging on the mirror.
Lotta people be naming their babies Morgan this summer, you just watch.
He has come to bring balance back to the Force.
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Twitter exploded last night during The Walking Dead: Season 5, Episode 16 Conquer (29 Mar. 2015), so thank goodness all the powers that be had cyber space braced and ready. Twitter is probably the truest test for tech support in all venues, and it looked to me like launch and lift off went beautifully, no twitter breakage, no servers failing, just fans freaking out en masse all over the globe. You know what this means? Brain chip beta testing is getting closer. You know I'm first in line.
K, here's the rulz. I get 10 graphix per panel, pic snips click to sources, and I link updates via twitter as I go. It's all about you guys, and I'll admit right now I haven't even rewatched the show before this one yet, so I'm really spinning in feed onslaughts now. It didn't help that my day started with THIS.
Like these? Click to go get some.
This kinda feels like we've come full circle, or back to square one or something. All you guys thinking about shaving epic beards, wo be to ye, right? Stay Moses, yea verily.
Ok, if we're seeing that even Gabriel's faith can't stop anything in the zombie apocalypse, how do you think your praying can stop the filmmakers of the zombie apocalypse? They like watching you guys cry all over twitter.
This pre-show warm up felt a little tenser than usual... o_o
Don't text and drive!!! O_O
Prescription refills for emergency inhalers suddenly flood the local pharmacies.
This reminds me of people sitting in church holding KJV bibles while the preacher is reading out of NLT. I'm blown away someone is actually watching this show with comic book in hand after all the deviating they've done. *wow* #hardcorefan
Annoyed vs destroyed is the big debate in filming lately. Nowadays you've gotta CRUSH your audience if you want them to keep crawling back for more abuse.
Hang on while I load more stuff.
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You mean beat his butt. =P haha
Yeah, and saying it with blood all over you kinda makes you look exactly like Gabriel painted you, dude.
No kidding. *_*
That's it. Remember, next week is 90 minutes long! That means a lot of us might wind up in twitter jail, so have your jail accounts logged in and ready to go. Don't wait till the last minute to run to the bathroom and get your snacks. Make sure your pets and little kids have been taken care of and let all your friends and family know it's ok if you don't answer the phone or check your texts for an hour and a half of your life. BECAUSE THIS IS LIFE OR DEATH.
Ok, it's just a live tweet, lol.
By the way, I may have miscounted Kelly Thul's podcast involvements. It's probably more like 8 or something. Counting is hard, yo.
:edit: I have been learned what extorsoists is! And it is awesome.
Last edited by Pinky; 03-26-2015, 04:33 PM.
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So most of you know by now I miss a LOT on the show because I'm so busy trying to keep up with the live tweet feed, which is awesome because you guys rock. I mentally tick your tweets off like bullet points when I go back and really watch the show later. Your voices will be in my head with me. Twitter is my #TWDfamily. There are so many fine tweets in that hashtag feed.
+_+ Please don't, dude.
Just throw down already, geez.
The Luftballons song is stuck in my head now, AGAIN. You guys know that song is about the Berlin Wall coming down, right? This is someone speculating about who the wolves really are.
How is MichOWNED not a merch thing? Seems like a golden sales opportunity. I searched on zazzle and ran into this cool eggs and bacon skull tee, though.
Yeah, she owned the whole show right there.
One more.
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Can you imagine sales blowing through the roof if they really did this?
You wouldn't believe the Walmart bots I got for retweeting that. Bots are twitter zombies.
I'm not catching the extorsoists thing, maybe it'll be asplained on a podcast here or there? Kelly does 3 that I know of, totally worth following on twitter. I'm gonna take a wild stab and guess 'band of extortionists' got wildly past the autocorrect parameters. In the meantime, I wanna see a line of '#extorsoists' novelty wear come out and boggle some minds. I wanna be an extorsoist. It just sounds cool.
I generally censor, but that was exactly my thought, too. Next thought was why aren't they utilizing big balloons like #TheKelly always insists should be a thing in a zombie apocalypse?
Did you guys vote? I tried but it got stuck. I think this voting via registered social media account thing is going to be the next big wave in the American future. Presidents will boast they got more votes from twitter than a TV show did.
If only my loved ones knew the joy of brain screeching at the 'save the #porchdickwife' thing, but alas, they don't watch The Walking Dead.
I still think losing that beard was a really bad idea... It was like an image filter that created this awesome illusion. He's naked and vulnerable without it. And probably cold.
Here we go, questioning Maggie again. Maybe it's time we embraced her being a mere accessory. Who knows, maybe she's having doubts and Deanna is brainwashing her. Will we ever know???
Ok, that wasn't creepy at all. o_o
If Pete's name was Richard, Rick could call him Dick to his face.
I need food. Hang on.
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This had a sort of next gen innocence to it, didn't it? Like a ghastly twist on the Garden of Eden or something.
I hope those kids are using protection.
I don't know, after that whole Noah scene last week, I'm wondering if Glenn is next to crack.
"Sasha Connor?" O_O
Hey, beats doing laundry.
Or 'cards' for short. Shirts vs cards.
Sasha no longer fears death. Death fears HER.
Carl likes 'em creepy. That's cool, have some little goth babies.
Nooooooooooooo! Don't tame this boy!
Maybe Carol shoulda sicced Sasha on Pete...
Hang on, brb.
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*hours of unplugged laptop later* O_O We got hail twice and the closest tornado made it up in the county just south of me. But that means nothing in the big scheme of things, right? All our guys are getting up like it's Monday morning and they hafta drag their butts to work.
Oh, yeah, Nick was lying. Nick looks like he needs a hit real bad.
It fell off in the shower.
And they lived happily ever after.
Panics sweeps across the twitter land... o_o
Slow motion, seriously? I still haven't rewatched, bad me! >=o I keep jaunting off into spoiler reviews about how season 5 will end.
Sorry, had to see that chicken ad again.
I put that into a translator and still wasn't sure what it really meant, but great shot.
Every hair on my arms went up when I saw the Sasha tweet. o_O
I can't believe this is Thursday already. Being so slow getting this out is actually super pumping me up for Sunday. ONLY 3 DAYS!!!!
Hang on, gotta load more stuff.
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Who wants to see Nick on the Talking Dead couch of death? >=l *army of hands go up*
I wonder if Deanna has a hotline set up yet in her government thingy.
I couldn't agree more with this. Carol is the only serial killer we can count on to get the job done right.
You know how many tweets I saw saying they hoped Carol poisoned the casserole? o_o You guys are a little scary yourselves.
This is a real thing. The Art of Eating through the Zombie Apocalypse: A Cookbook and Culinary Survival Guide
Shout out to Vicki Addesso. No, this isn't her, lol. And, ironically, she'll never read this because she's never in live mode and way behind on the show, so she avoids my links in general because of spoilers. Go creep her out, click this pic & RT & FAV the crap out of it. >=D If you quote it, add #TheWalkingDead hashtag to it, lol.
Y'all are like cats on a car battery. Just saying.
I dunno, I still think shaving his Moses beard off lowered his cred.
Gold. Star.
This guy is singlehandedly responsible for keeping #Continuum surging on twitter. And he's cool. Thou shalt follow him.
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Sorry about that, wound up racing a thunderstorm around town. Where were we?
He had me at "all ships at sea". Look at the cool Sharknado contest they're hoping to win.
I once tried to follow all the hashtags going on in different feeds. My laptop melted. I really like #demdeadz
I think AMC should use this haiku in a commercial, don't you? Wins "Best Use of a Walking Dead Haiku".
Someone asked the other day who remembers getting busy signals during phone calls. I remember party lines near the reservation where I grew up, before there were busy signals. Twitter is awesome. #fullcircle
Now, see, I would be one to discuss where she got that awesome casserole dish. *wo* Just discovered AMC posted her cookie recipe.
+_+ Dude, that is so Terminus. But after what happened, and what might happen still, be sure and get them from her son, right?
Doesn't that make you want to rummage around in their stacks of recordings? I'd wanna see archives of *everything*. Closest thing they've got to TV. We haven't seen much of Maggie, I really hope she's studying up on their crap.
Recording things, whether they are lies or not, makes them TRUTH to other people later. I think Deanna is covering all their butts in the event of... something. I could be wrong. I nearly always am. But that's how TV turns stuff into ~news~, amIright? Created content churns opinions, and then spin is the glue that holds government together. Deanna said she was creating a new government. We also know she creates her own outlaws, and look, she has proof why she does things to the next bunch. All right, I know, I'm overthinking.
More succinctly said. Thank you.
That would've been a crazy thing, if they'd gotten to Alexandria around Christmas... o_o That would've been a mighty big tub of koolaid for Sasha to drink.
Back in a minute.
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