Now begins the #TWDLiveTweetReview for The Walking Dead s6ep4 "Here's Not Here".
The social experiment plot thickens and lumps up like pea soup while victims all over the world struggle with the quantum quagmire that is Glenn, and the debates rage out of control like wildfires over the weaker viewers pulling back into their safety bubbles, looking at the flowers and chanting as they pull daisy petals out- "He's alive". "He's dead." "He's alive. "He's dead."
Our little gang was no different. What you are about to see in this panel is the tight coil of a wound up week about to spring, and deep down I knew the writers were getting us ready for another Bethisode-style angst-and-bloodbath holiday season. If you are not a twitter user, remember that feeds read from the bottom up.
This next one clicks back into the convo so you can read it from the top down, in case you want context. It's pretty rare that I rev up like this before a live tweet.
I saw this little guy everywhere. Remember, pic snips click back to sources.
Holly is my favorite, she really knows how to play the twitters.
Going back through these, major facepalm, I know how things look totally different in print sometimes. We were still on the Glenn alive vs dead thing (this next one clicks back into convo for context), and I should have worded it "Fans cheer, Tony bails". We're not cheering IF Tony bails. Very awkward faux pas there. But he wasn't alone, I saw loads of hardcore purist fans threatening to stop watching if they find Glenn alive.
*feels* I honestly don't know how pregnant people can watch TWD at all, Amy is pretty awesome.
Tony throws down. This is the best use of Chuck Norris since Jack Bauer. Click out to see the full pic.
I really do believe TWD viewers are part of a new cutting edge in entertainment merch and scheduling. The social psychology of this whole series keeping viewers addicted and talking across social media almost continually is, in my opinion, North America's only chance against BBC leading with Doctor Who world sync. Just saying. The whole #UnderTheDome thing refers back to #SnarkalecRadio discussions. Again, this next snip clicks back into the convo if you need context.
So you guys remember how 'Bethisode' was coined? I think Emily Kinney was the first to actually tweet that word, which I think I captured for posterity way back in this review somewhere. Anyway, I'm wondering what equivalent coinage Glenn might get when his big last show comes up, unless they just never discover him and we get flashbacks or whatevs before he drops off the map. I mean, 'Glennisode' just doesn't have the same cool ring to it, does it?
Clicks back, etc.
If you're new to this review thread, I get 10 graphics per panel, and I tweet links as every panel gets done. I've never done a panel quite like this one before, so don't worry, the whole review isn't my head floating across the page clicking back to convos. Keep your eyes peeled today, thanx to the psyche-fest lasting 90 minutes, we've got a long way to go.
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The Walking Dead
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Don't know about y'all, but this whiplashing us from one super intense scene to another is callousing my brain.
If you're not a twitter person, the feed reads from the bottom up. Remember, I'm glancing at my screen over a laptop with two running feeds while I retweet through two twitter accounts, so all I saw was Glenn's head. It is my belief at this point that the viewers won't get any closure on Glenn until someone finds him, and that could be several eps down the road if the writers are evil enough. Remember what they put us through over Beth!
I was pretty wound up, first time that's happened since i jumped in the TWD live tweets.
I posted this Monday.
And this happened last night. Each one clicks back into the middle of a long, hilarious argument that you can scroll back and forth through.
This one came out today, you can vote on whether Glenn is still alive or not until the #SNews comes on Thursday evening, click the snip to go to the voting site.
You have a little over 24 hours from the timestamp on this panel to do that, and you can reach the #SNews by clicking on this next snip.
Amy and Holly don't believe Glenn is dead, and neither does our very own Glenn.
What say you?
See you next week.
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Personally, I'm hoping we get to see Glenn discovered laying there all zombied, like we got to see Merle. The real question is- will Maggie be the one to stab him through the head?
We all feel like walkers on Monday. This is a great article. The Walking Dead in an Age of Anxiety "Most important, The Walking Dead is a morality tale that disdains easy answers. How does a civilized person behave in a world where civilization has collapsed?"
Click this, download it, print it out, frame it, hang it, and repeat it to yourself every Monday.
You know, for all the people who meticulously tic off every black death on the show, I think I was (*ahem* Nelson was) the only one to notice that 3 black people walked away together just fine after an Asian died. I could be wrong, could've missed someone in all those thousands of tweets flying by.
This. was. sweet.
One more panel, guys.
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Post-apocalyptic mail service sux. Say your feels NOW before it's too late, people!
See, I'd have just pushed Nicholas off the dumpster when he got all weird-eyed.
Glenn's fans at a comic-con.
Glenn's last thoughts? I'm having flashbacks to the prison before he morphed into super Glenn and kicked butt.
We'll get back to Amy later... She's going to be on the next #SNews, by the way, talking with the guys about this season so far. Click that for day/time/link.
A grief-stricken fandom is READY with those gifs, yowza. Braced for doom.
2-3 more panels to go, and if you don't see one show up in the next half hour, I'll finish up at lunch, my time. #facepalm Horrible place to say that...
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@bonenado actually frets after watching this show and then dreams about zombies. I don't seem to have that problem since I don't actually watch and get emotionally invested, but I do dream about running hashtag feed alerts.
At the beginning of this season's live tweet review I intro'd a few people. I don't usually see Vicki do the TWD live tweet. She co-authored Still Here Thinking of You.
This is the point where one of my eyeballs watched the TV and the other eyeball watched the feeds. I'm getting pretty good at eyeball splits.
No, not even close to done yet.
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I was actually thinking this when I saw it come through. But we saw how that worked out with Tyreese, right?
Seriously, Rick has practically drank walker milkshake in a couple of eps.
I had a really bad feeling about this...
Uh-oh, premonitions are popping up. But how many of us believe in the 'we riot' mojo since Daryl still hasn't croaked off yet, right?
You can click this to click their link and find out. Cracks me up that's really a story in the New York Times. Could anyone have predicted that 50 years ago?
THIS. Yes, this is a real thing. You're welcome.
Taking a little break, I'll tweet the next link when I get going again.
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When we left off our last panel, Nicholas was on point...
Saw a whole lotta feels coming through about animals trapped in a pet store, way to go doubling down on the ol' tension there, writers. Just priming the sad so we can super spike it later... (Evil genius writing level, I was in awe watching the hashtag feeds.)
Saw a lot of Paw-Paw tweets, too.
Hey, just retweeting them as I see them. Some of you need to be paying attention for pointers on how to SURVIVE.
After a few years of kids and hamsters, I say no thanks to zombie hamsters...
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Restocking probs...
See? Live tweeting is educational.
All of the above... Who ever knows what's in Daryl's head.
If you've been following my live tweet review for a long time, you know by now that I actually don't watch the show because I'm so busy reading feeds, but these made my head pop up. Tan-O-Rama??
More coming, hang on.
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I can't tell you how excited Nelson got about this turning out to be a really big hand show later on.
Gratuitous Michonne pic.
Gratuitous Rick and Glenn pic.
Gratuitous Heath pic.
Personal note- I think the editing during the parade scene is fantastic, all the moves and sounds and especially the talking synced up. brb
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You can tell a character has made it when a middle aged woman becomes a wet dream rock star in a video game crossover.
Daryl says "You're not my mama, Dawn." lol Gratuitous Daryl shot.
We all want cool hand gear now... You know, just casually walk around using our hands in our cool hand gear. Hang on, loading more stuff.
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Remember the Bethisode? How that was my longest live tweet review up to that point? Grab a snack, this one is going to take awhile, too. This is s6ep3 "Thank You" of The Walking Dead. As always, it's all about you guys, and snips with pix click back to sources.
Once again, we start out so innocent.
The vote tweets also click back, in case you want to see if voter totals changed.
Stuff like this showing up sends red flag chills right down my spine. Somebody out there can't stand knowing something and not telling. I could be wrong, but I saw Glenn popping up every little bit like this, so my arm hairs were up before the show even started.
If you are new to my live tweet reviews, I'm allowed 10 pix per panel, and I live load, meaning I tweet links after every panel.
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Marketing, are you paying attention? Of course they are. Smash fandom branding, at your service.
Rick was probably enjoying a spa day somewhere. What do you mean "Where's Rick", he's herding zombies.
Ah, yes, Gabriel's worst nightmare... Wonder if he'll flip out next week. I mean, worse than he already has. You know what I mean.
Poor Aaron...
Subtle, right? If that kind of hint foreshadows anything, maybe the rest of the season will be 'real time' as well.
And this, my friends, is BAD WOLF.
We can dream.
This reminds me of Mr. Cross, the TV exec in Scrooged who was so happy to hear that someone had died of fear just watching one of his commercials that he rescheduled them to play every half hour.
That was all I got on the live tweet, but here is a small parting gift for you this week as a thank you for stopping by. I saw this link come through before the show. There's Only One Character On 'The Walking Dead' The Creator Says He Wouldn't Kill
Stay bloodthirsty, my friends.
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It was almost like being twanged real hard by Daryl's bow.
Wonder how many red Ws I'll see this Halloween. Did you guys know there are Walking Dead/Doctor Who crossover fanfics already? You know- Bad Wolf.
Can't help feeling a few babies this year will be named Carol and Morgan. One more panel, guys.
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I know, I got a ton of Doug tweets this time, didn't I? He's worth it.
Little bit of perspective here, I first started watching TWD because of these guys. You can lurk through Tony's SnarkalecRadio and SNews podcasts on his youtube channel, lotta good zombie talk in there.
Really, guys? I'm kinda in the middle of a live tweet, stop popping up in my way! >=l #zombiekillmode
I didn't realize at the time I tweeted this, but Tony pretty much beat out a million other tweets that suddenly filtered through with realizations. I had completely forgotten about the horde on the way, and apparently so did most of the fandom, but Tony was ON it. He's the Rick of the #Snarkalecs.
Hold that thought.
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Those anti-smoking campaigns could learn a thing or two from this show. Look how fast the viewers caught on that smoking kills. I skimmed over hundreds of those.
The entire fandom.
I know, right? The emotional scatter is fabulous, just all over the place now. This live tweet is a social-psychoanalyst's dream come true.
This is the golden rule, guys. Right here.
Excusez-moi for flashbacking, but I couldn't help retweeting this gem when it popped up in the feed. Apparently neither could 74 other people.
I'm living vicariously through Carol. #gurlcrush
NOW WE KNOW.... Hang on, gotta go upload some more.
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