Every time Daryl winds up alone and separated from his gang, bad things happen. He's like a ~bad stuff~ magnet. I don't wanna think about it.
You question the Rick??? Last year he was frickin' Moses. He probably parted the Dead sea and walked nonchalantly (but ~crazy~) right through. The running is because he hasn't leveled up to teleport yet.
If she's out looking and he comes back, then he has to go out looking... Whoever is left needs to be still and stay SAFE.
Word. Hang on while I load some more.
No announcement yet.
The Walking Dead
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Lotta hope and faith still out there.
Fans? Youtube. GO.
I saw this a LOT. Not that easy to toss bodies over a wall, especially one that high. How do I know this? I once tossed a live goat over a 4 foot fence after I dragged her out of the garden (I was pretty mad). Don't worry, she landed on her feet. Goats are like cats. So I'm watching these tweets come through cracking up at how funny a scene like that would be, couple people sync-swinging bodies by the arms and legs, heave-ho and crap, they don't quite make it and thump back down on ya. Yeah, do that a few times. Easier to chop and fling pieces, but I probably shouldn't go there.
This clicks back to a cute convo.
At this rate they'll be shoving someone into the zombie horde on general principle... O_O
Will panic ensue?
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Now iz The Walking Dead s6ep5 "Now".
Quick reminders- this live tweet review is all about you guys. The fans are what makes watching The Walking Dead so cool for me, one eye on the feeds and the other peeking at the TV over the laptop. Neither I nor SyfyDesigns receives compensation for linking, and pic snips click to sources. I live tweet the panel links as I get them done, if you want to get notifications on that.
I avoided the warm up this time, so this is it.
This clicks out in case you want to read that.
We had a weird convo going, this snip clicks out if you want to see what in the world.
No it's not... >=D heh heh. No, this is MIND PREP. You need to BE READY.
Is this not the cutest thing ever?
I'm loving the multilingual humor slamming through the live tweet. I keep translate on standby.
Back in a bit, must spring forth and do other stuffs, but I'll be back.
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#LetItGoat, guys.
Because #TeamTabitha.
Are you following @TabithaGoat yet? It got a #TalkingDead shout-out.
That's it, I'm done. I should be like Morgan and yell CLEAR!
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If the goat hadn't been part of this episode, would we have retained our humanity? That's all I'm asking. Our only hope is apocalypse kittens. Anyone not holding a kitten is messed up.
Ok, I'm not one to nitpick but let's get this right. Glenn has two Ns and #Glennial is a real thing.
I kept half expecting to see a "the cheese stands alone" tweet. If anyone really did that, I missed it.
*sad* I hope I go out as gracefully as this guy.
I'm still kinda mixed up about the wolves- do we even know how they got started? I kept wondering if Morgan was responsible for that somehow. After the way he was accidentally responsible for Eastman's death, you'd think he'd be worried about his own protege being responsible for more deaths before he successfully converts them. Morgan, Rick, and Gabriel would make a fantastic triangular chaos mechanism.
One more, nearly there.
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I can't even imagine living like this.
I went ahead and linked this next snip to that address @TScottBrave shared.
Couple more. I can do this.
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This, yes. As much as I enjoy the love/hate dichotomy during the live tweets, this one bifurcated into extremes, and as far as I could tell, both the hate and the love were pretty evenly matched. I was swimming through a mixture of venom and ambrosia, possibly accurately reflecting the dichotomous ways the characters are handling the zombie apocalypse, yes? Interesting...
I can't believe I've still got 4 more panels.
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See what I mean? Lisa's tweets are so synced with these.
Praying for a fictional goat is good practice. #zombieapocalypse
I think the ad I saw was for this mobile game.
lol, good one =D
More coming...
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Um, I think there was a Morgan Funko announcement. I'm slipping an extra snip in here just for Cornelius. How can anyone be a fan on twitter and not know something is all over a fandom on twitter? You're doing it wrong. Extra snip link courtesy of Morgan Funkopop search on twitter.
Now any time my dad brings up the anti-Christ, y'all'll know exactly what I'll be thinking, lol.
For goat fans, Tabitha is a Nubian. We had Nubian goats growing up. Yes, I had to help milk them. No, we didn't make cheese.
I'm wondering where Tabitha's 'kids' are... Goats don't just make milk like that out of the blue. Did the cheesemaker eat them?
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I'm not sure my psychologist would survive the zombie apocalypse, but yeah...
Well, when you're not eating a snake or worms... How many of you would buy TWD branded breakfast cereal? I'm serious, I'd totally buy any food they put Rick and Daryl and Michonne on. If I stuck a poll in here asking whether they're missing out on a ripe opportunity, would you vote yes?
Hey, @bonenado would totally buy TWD goat cheese.
This is making me hungry for cheese. brb
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How many of us thought of the T-rex? *holding up my hand* Lisa was tweeting something else entirely, but some of her stuff bombing the TWD feeds I had going were too funny to pass up, like as if J-Lo got rippin' murdered by someone like Morgan or something. #crossthestreams
They are forcing us to pay attention. And now I'm regretting blowing the wolves off. I thought they'd be some fly by night story arc like Terminus, although that kinda looks like it'll be coming back up, too. Sorry, getting ahead of myself.
These are the friends I want in the zombie apocalypse. I will find you guys.
Droll lol there, TWD. *polite chuckle* Now get outa the way, I'm navigating zombie feeds!
That alone is one of the most terrifying sites of the whole apocalypse if you're getting Twisty flashbacks.
From T-rex to Twisty in one panel. o_o What's coming next?
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The bullet theory is my fave. Some fans are still way back there on Rick's going to wake up in the hospital, too, so just hang onto your cute little hopes. {hug}
Ok, I know, my itchy retweet finger needs a break. Still, it's cute.
The whole TWD fandom as AMC goes dark and the glowing TWD title comes on the screen. Can you imagine all the stuff Sheldon would argue about? I'd love to get his take on Glenn right now.
Day of the Dead
Hang on, wanna rock this thing out.
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You seriously need to click out and see this one before we get into the portent. If you're not science-y and don't get it, that's ok.
I wasn't the only TWD fan who immediately jumped on this, BUT I was one of the first. (I am timestamped as third.) Thanx to my aspergers, hell yeah, documention. By the way, the #deadnotdead feed is pretty cool if you wanna get lost in fan angsting, TWD totally took that hashtag OVER.
Sharing the glory and highly jealous of not jumping on that hashtag.
YES, Norman in a new series. And Holly's right. You either keep up or fall victim and become one of the zombies. "Quitters never win, and winners never quit." -Doomsday, Kids from C.A.P.E.R., ep9 "The Terrible Tollman" (click here for videos)
You guys know every BBC fan in the world is laughing every time you 'we riot' TWD stuff, right? Moffat has been destroying their Christmas days for YEARS.
I srsly miss the Moses beard. That was epic.
Sending fans into tizzies.
TIZZIES, I tell you. The only scene comparable to this is Kai in a fridge. That's a joke. Kai is #deadnotdead. Lexx? Oh, nevermind.
I know, huge mistake jumping into the live tweet warmup jitters. I swear the next panel is the show actually starting.
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