All righty, guys, last episode of 2014 and I actually got in trubba on twitter for spoilers, lolz, got a little bomb emoji and everything, crack me up. Don't worry, good friend of mine, it's cool. This was s5ep8 'Coda', and if you've arrived here from a link and have not yet seen this episode, it's totally on you if you don't tape your eyes shut right now, because there might just be a spoiler. Interestingly, I think think I'm the only person that live tweeted who DIDN'T blurt out the biggest spoiler of all. But you'll get definite hints here, so scroll backward and read the older reviews or something if you're not caught up yet.
As usual, the tweets with pix click back to source, which is advisable since they're too big to snip at source, so I just snip in the feed and link them.

Especially since this is the last show for awhile...

The tension on twitter was palpable, as they say. I could've strummed my feed like a guitar it was wound so tight.

Some of you were wringing your hands so hard your new phones got all bendy.

BENDY, I tell you. My nerves were shot just reading the pretweets.

True to my nature, I forgot to even live tweet till stuff started happening because I was so caught up in the feed, but I finally got my head on. I see some of you are still here with one eye open, so this is the last time I'm going to say SPOILER ALERT.

Rick's back, and he can do. no. wrong.

Yes, we not only went there but kept throwing it out there like parade candy. What's wrong with you guys???

You know the drill, I'll be back in a little while with more.
As usual, the tweets with pix click back to source, which is advisable since they're too big to snip at source, so I just snip in the feed and link them.

Especially since this is the last show for awhile...

The tension on twitter was palpable, as they say. I could've strummed my feed like a guitar it was wound so tight.

Some of you were wringing your hands so hard your new phones got all bendy.

BENDY, I tell you. My nerves were shot just reading the pretweets.

True to my nature, I forgot to even live tweet till stuff started happening because I was so caught up in the feed, but I finally got my head on. I see some of you are still here with one eye open, so this is the last time I'm going to say SPOILER ALERT.

Rick's back, and he can do. no. wrong.

Yes, we not only went there but kept throwing it out there like parade candy. What's wrong with you guys???

You know the drill, I'll be back in a little while with more.