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Big baby Judith debate going on with the SnarkAlecs- is she alive or dead? Tony Solo thinks she's dead, Mike pays tribute using a 'Judith' doll head like a flask, and the rest of us are hoping she's alive on the bus or something. But I hear she died in the comic, sooo... can't wait to hear what Tony says on Snarkalec Radio Thursday. If you wanna keep up in the meantime with what the SnarkAlecs are saying, just sub to the list.
Really glad Michonne took care of that, but what the crap??? She didn't finish off the governor???
Dang, Rick looked bad! O_O I got bets on that they'll never zombie him because ~main character~ starting the whole show, original narration in his POV.
I REALLY like Carl's hat. Daryl is probably jealous of that hat.
I've actually always liked Carl. I know, he's a dick sometimes, but dang. And I guess other people feel the same way, because this happened.
Nelson got excited.
And then I got excited. Click this one to follow the coolest Vulcan in Hollywood.
This is why hanging with the SnarkAlecs is so cool.
I think they had the live Norman Reedus tweet to make up for not having Daryl in this episode. Click it to follow Norman Reedus on twitter.
One more thing. I think I'm restricted how many images I can put in one post, so last one, and here you go. Click this one to follow Gerald Webb on twitter.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Sorry so late, bin bizzy But who isn't all stressed out, right? I have a bad feeling about this...
I'll save you the thesis-length analysis that still alone inspires in a story of desperation and hopelessness. But I don't think all is lost yet.
There's a LOT of speculation out there that Daryl might be next to go because whacking beloved characters is all the rage nowadays, but there is also speculation right back on Snarkalec Radio that Daryl is a wild card because his character wasn't in the original story to begin with. I think even Beth can't make up her mind on this one.
Yay! This is one crazy wild card episode, isn't it? And who'dathunk Tyreese babysitting?
Lizzy likes to kill. Lots more speculation going wild out there about Lizzy being the real Karen and David killer now that we've seen her nearly smother Judith in an almost moment-glazed fascination, and I'm betting Carol KNOWS this. And whadayaknow *BING* here's Carol.
Will Carol hafta unlearn the little monster she created? Tune in next time for Lizzy nearly kills Tyreese... hahaha. Ok, back to the story.
Whaaaaa? Haha, that came from a twisted reading of my Walking Dead predictions on last week's live interactive recording of Snarkalec Radio.
I've got to continue this into the next panel because content amount restrictions....
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
If you are behind and haven't seen the bus scene yet, close your eyes. Ok, kidding, I don't have blow by blow, but this is what it was like.
I rode a school bus for 11 years and then bus transports around campus and trams around theme parks and hospitals, so I really mean this.
I was really on edge, so huge gush of relief here.
And then we get this walk through the valley of the shadow of death thing where Glenn has to decide whether he's going to survive and thrive even not knowing if anyone else made it. I think I'm liking #DepressedDaryl from earlier in the episode, so Daryl suddenly seemed kinda wimpy compared to this well of blackness.
The whole Glenn thing was like watching a Phoenix rising from the ashes, SUPER COOL. I half expected him to fly, or at least start leaping around a little fantastically.
You'll hafta watch the show to see him bursting out from under that pile of zombies, very different from the Carl under the zombies scene last week.
That's all I've got. If you'd like a more in-depth recap of the show, scroll down this next link to get to Dylan's Zombie Hacks.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
This is getting way outa hand, so squirt some Chloraseptic in your eyeballs and numb them really good because I can't stop. Ok, don't really do that or I'll get in trouble. Bad! No Chloraseptic in eyeballs!
AMC is training us to tune in before the new Walking Dead eps come on by rerunning the previous week's ep just before that, so I'm getting the chance to get annoyed at prop choices. After stat cleaning in a 4 story hospital and off and on in a couple of hotels, THIS.
I crab at Syfy all the time for the same thing. Moving on, have some eye candy before we get going, because this next ep is sadly Daryl deficient.
And did you see the zombie car?
In case you missed it because you fell off the earth on Walking Dead night.
I have nothing against gingers. All 3 of my sibs have red hair, I turned out to be the soulless one.
Scott was eating popcorn all up in my face about this time (I don't eat popcorn), but I know, there is no excuse. Anyone else rooting for Rishonne?
Holy cheeze whiz Batman, who'd a dreamed this would be a THING?
The twitters went crazy for crazy cheese.
But when *doesn't* twitter go crazy?
I've gotta stop briefly here to do real life stuffs, but more is coming, may God have mercy on your souls, because by more I mean MOAR.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
You'd have to have been following @ScottMcDonald3 and @TonySolo on twitter this week to get what this was all about.
Rick can't catch a break, finally gets a clean bed and a real nap and it's not long before we see legs walking around and Rick dives under the bed.
I was impressed that the props team remembered to craft a couple of spectacular dust bunnies, but they forgot one vital component.
This was once a happy house. Renewed Michonne is enjoying it.
Until she found the pink room of death. omg. I thought this was ~*~*~awesome~*~*~ use of the color pink. PINKY APPROVES.
Wait, new development!
Did anybody predict this? Anybody? Before you go on to the next panel, keep in mind you can submit predictions to be read on Snarkalec Radio! Scroll down a little for the prediction submission box after you click that link.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
I know these are crap screen grabs, but you know SPOILERS, if you haven't seen the show, don't worry, I'm not really telling you that much. Like this next bit. This was a lucky guess when I tweeted it.
I loved what happened after this.
And then all hell broke loose O_O I'm curious just how many of these kinds of tweets shot through at the same time from half the nation and clogged up twitter.
Meanwhile, we got a gratuitous bathroom scene from grimy nasty all animal Rick, how could you not love this.
I know I keep ragging on props, but seriously, all that crap on the floor was meticulously scattered perfectly. Have you HAD a bathroom fight? It's also entirely too white. At least smear something from a broken container. Just saying. But it was an awesome fight, and we see Rick at his lowest dregs ever being a BOSS ***BOOYA***.
Believe it or not, I've got a few more to go, really got into it this time. Hang on.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
But I've got serious bets on this chick getting some awesome scenes before she screws everyone in the group over and much later dies horribly. I'll even bet she messes Daryl over and gets a buncha fans hoppin up and down screaming. Poor Beth...
They're really stamping this Terminus thing on our brains. Surely it can't be worse than a crazy Governor....
If you'd like a more indepth recap, Dylan from this next tweet does the Monday Morning Zombie Hack, scroll down a little after you click that link.
And if you want to see live recorded commentary from Snarkalec Radio, check out Tony Solo's video channel and watch his twitter on Thursdays at 9pmEST for the next live link.
You never know who might get their name said all over a show.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
I've been a bad monkey, skipping a couple weeks on my recaps! Tell you what, here are a few highlights.
Beth obviously doesn't know what to do with a Daryl in a car trunk.
Y'all have no idea how hard I'm holding back. *people like this are real* *book*
I see people eat snakes on weird food shows, I was hoping Daryl would get a snapping turtle.
This is true. Best just let the man eat.
Starting to get the feeling Daryl is scared of gurlz... Mom issues or something.
I know, cheap shot. Saw a lot of golf swing jokes on twitter.
I could see me working out my hormones during a zombie apocalypse. Just sayin.
I've really had this next thing said to me. Armchair critics going over this episode from no experience whatsoever with people who don't have a clue how to be normal missed a LOT in this one. Sometimes the unlikeliest matchups bring about the most personal growth. 'Nuff said.
You guys gotta catch the SnarkAlecs snarking The Walking Dead, it's delightful.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Seriously, I have memories this bad, lol, I LOVED this episode.
*book* Ok, enough of my triggered memories, on with the show.
My phone censored this, ha.
You know that game you play, if you were the last people on earth and you had to repopulate, yada yada...
Word. Speaks volumes that probably the first real hug he ever got in his life from someone who actually cares had to be from a position where he couldn't be defensive and fend it off. If you don't know people like this in real life, you're living pretty sheltered. I heard a lot of flak about Beth, but sometimes that is exactly the kind of person that can get through the armor. I thought this scene was very well done, I don't care what anyone says.
I hope so. I *like* the way this is developing.
Again, if you've never had the long talk with the guy who carries knives around...
And seriously, if you've never burned a building down after a big emotional night....
Yeah, scary that I identified so heavily with that episode.
I'm gonna go dig up last week's tweets now, you guys catch up on last week's SnarkalecRadio recap while I do that.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Ok boyzngurlz, my shamefully sloooow recap of last week's Walking Dead because we've got all new stuffs in a few short hours. So there was this horrible chance that DVRs all across the fruited plain could have been bumped off because of the time change... I never did check to see if that really happened and whether there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Just casual convo with newbs, you know, like Lord of the Rings.
We're coming up on early spring fog season. Just sayin.
It's kind of a thing around my parts. This isn't a joke. Wimmin be like I'm tuff enuff, gimme MOAR, and the men be all like yeah, cuz my foot is sore & ur so priddy, and the wimmin be like SHUT UP AND GET BEHIND ME. Daryl is training Beth, you see.
And it makes good sense. If you're a guy. Ok, don't hate me, just saying it like it is.
We live vicariously through Daryl in so many ways.
It's all I can do not to straighten store shelves. Cracked me up when I saw them open that cupboard.
I generally don't fuss about their camping scenes, but this was ridiculous. There is no such thing as a small flame in woods like this and dead leaves within inches of it not catching fire. ~~~just saying~~~ I've done burns, I know this. Wanna see them deal with a fire outa control while zombies are coming, liven things up a bit.
Mighta had a few flashbacks of my mom with this one.
This suddenly hitting my screen was riveting. You can click that pic if you like and see more Taco Bell.
And you can click this pic to put in your two cents on Snarkalec Radio how you would survive the zombie apocalypse.
I just skipped a whole buncha stuff because SPOILERS and if you haven't caught up yet, that's just too bad. No, actually, I was mesmerized and in shock and didn't snap any pix, but I'm still not going to tell you what happened. Just suddenly you are *here*.
I've actually been wondering for the last few eps with train tracks why there aren't any hobo zombies.
I think this would be a good band name.
I can't help it, mundane convo just pops right in there when I watch tv. I know I'd be saying something like this.
Daryl needs abilify. Badly. And probably prozac. Or a sassy gurl to burn a building with. WHERE IS BETH????
I noticed I wasn't the only one on twitter calling these boyz a bunch of Daryls, lol. Our next little subplot is about Daryl rising to lead the lost boyz and finding Beth to be their Wendy. Maybe. If she's not already dead and the lost boyz don't mess Daryl over too badly. I kinda think Daryl is gonna go Merle on their butts if they push too hard.
That's it, now we wait for the new ep tonight.
If you haven't checked it yet, Dylan gets his Walking Dead recap up on his Zombie Hacks up the day after, so watch for that tomorrow.
See y'all in the live tweet.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.