A compendium of my scattered Lexx work in other places, shared exclusively with SyfyDesigns and a few fans who have translated into other languages onto other Lexx fan sites. This will be a work in progress. This work originally began in 2004-5 with Grand Fortuna's League of 20,000 Planets at grandfortuna.xanga.com, which is still linked worldwide and has been visited daily for years, even when it went into protected mode (still had a working sitemeter)

and now continues with Lexxperience.com and its hub of fan groups, pages, and communities.

Post titles in this thread include-
Last of the Brunnen-G: Sci-fis Favorite Zombie
Heresy in the First Degree- Thodin of the Ostral-B Pair
The Dark Zone and the Cycles of Time
Lexx, like Schrodinger's cat, perhaps
I've decided to go all out arranging sections, so coming soon there will be character sections, episode review sections, think piece sections, etc.

and now continues with Lexxperience.com and its hub of fan groups, pages, and communities.

Post titles in this thread include-
Last of the Brunnen-G: Sci-fis Favorite Zombie
Heresy in the First Degree- Thodin of the Ostral-B Pair
The Dark Zone and the Cycles of Time
Lexx, like Schrodinger's cat, perhaps
I've decided to go all out arranging sections, so coming soon there will be character sections, episode review sections, think piece sections, etc.