Looks like this should be a go, at least 4 of us so far are excited about this event.
Count down clock has been removed for this event, to be restarted again at a later date.
<s>@</s>PinkyGuerrero <s>@</s>ekym <s>@</s>hwilson2009 <s>@</s>sfseriesmovies <s>@</s>StarFly_Holly
This is just an idea to see if there is any interest in watching an episode of LEXX as a group while exchanging tweets. A tweet party
So far 4 people are interested in tiring it with an episode of LEXX at some point in the near future, possibly 1-12-2013
@SFSeriesMovies owner of the http://www.sfseriesandmovies.com/ website and <s>@</s>PinkyGuerreroowner of the http://bluejacky.xanga.com/website plus @ekym me
may be promoting the event on these site's.
Count down clock has been removed for this event, to be restarted again at a later date.
<s>@</s>PinkyGuerrero <s>@</s>ekym <s>@</s>hwilson2009 <s>@</s>sfseriesmovies <s>@</s>StarFly_Holly
This is just an idea to see if there is any interest in watching an episode of LEXX as a group while exchanging tweets. A tweet party
So far 4 people are interested in tiring it with an episode of LEXX at some point in the near future, possibly 1-12-2013
@SFSeriesMovies owner of the http://www.sfseriesandmovies.com/ website and <s>@</s>PinkyGuerreroowner of the http://bluejacky.xanga.com/website plus @ekym me
