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StarGate SG1, StarGate Atlantis, StarGate Universe

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  • StarGate SG1, StarGate Atlantis, StarGate Universe

    The premier's of both StarGate SG1 and StarGate Atlantis are Both scheduled for Friday April the 6th. Pushed back from the original March date. I have no idea why they would want to do that, both of the shows are already done, in fact They began showing in December of last year in the UK on Sky one.

    10 years for SG1, it's a shame that the show is canceled after this 10th season. But Atlantis will continue. Carter is supposed to move to Atlantis in it's forth season and I am looking forward to that, personally I wouldn't mind seeing Dr. Jackson spend a little time in Atlantis as well.

    Allot of people are upset about Dr. Beckett getting killed off in the 3rd Season of Atlantis and I personally enjoy his character and will also miss him. The Episode in witch he get's snuffed out is "Sunday" Episode 17, About half way through the 3rd season. Maybe to make room for Sam? Who knows, All of the characters are good and I hate to see any of them leave. I listened to an interview with Amanda Tapping "Samantha Carter" and she is right when she said that you do grow accustom to new characters and the absence of them as well. I Was disappointed when Dr. Jackson left SG1 but I did get used to Jonis Quinn.
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  • #2

    First thing I need to say is if you have not found a way to watch the second half of the third season of StarGate Atlantis or the second half of the 10th season of StarGate SG1 then please do not read this post!!

    This post contains spoilers and if you don't want to know how any of the story unfolds without first seeing it for yourself then read no further!

    I find myself in the position like many of you, board with the delay of the Season and searching the net for reading material on the subject and I have found may fan sites and websites that have forums and information about this series.

    As I understand it each of the networks that air these series for us to watch negotiates their contract separately with MGM and that is why some times the new StarGate seasons begin in the USA (Sci-Fi) and some times they begin in the UK (Sky-one) and some times in Canada. (Space)
    As you would guess like here in the USA in these other countries there is an enormous fan base and where there are fans there is talk and forums, Each of these Television Networks has forums and the fans love to chat about the show, what they like, what they dislike and what is happening. Since this this second half of both the 10th season of StarGate SG1 and the second half of the 3rd Season of StarGate Atlantis has already aired, Yes That right, in both the UK and in Canada those lucky batages have already seen the entire last half of those seasons! I have collected a bunch of links to web site's and forums pages that are dedicated to these shows.

    There is some great reading and fan involvement at each of these sites but be warned if you start reading posts from fans in the UK or Canada you will get informed of the outcome and you might not want to know.

    Ideas about when the forth season will start vary from as early as July of This year in the UK to as late as 2008 some time. When I can confirm a start date for the forth season I will post it here.

    Allot of speculation about how the People of Atlantis will solve there currant problem they have at the end of the third season of being adrift in space with no possible way to recharge the ZPM in time.

    The Episode title describes this situation, "A Drift" is the Episode title of the first episode of the Forth season.

    My personal theory is that since, we already know Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter has announced that she will be joining the Atlantis team in this forth season, that it will in fact be her that arrives to save the day with the currant Earth Ship that incidentally as of the End of SG1's tenth season, has all the Knowledge of the Asgard and a working ZPM , correct me if I'm wrong, this ship is named The Oddesy. Due to the fact that they now have the ability to detect all hyper space jumps the same way the Asgard did, they will detect the City of Atlantis make its Hyper Space Jump and that way they will know where it is and arrive in time to slip in another ZPM in with more juice.



    • #3
      Looks like as near as I can tell the season premier will air first on Sci-fi on Friday September 28th. And then October 5th on Sky One. I guess we lucked out here in the USA and Sci-Fi got the first contract this time with MGM.



      • #4
        Looks like from what I have been reading in some of the other forums, the New StarGate Universe will first air in Canada or the UK in Mid January 2010, It wont air here in the USA until June 2010

        That's what I read anyway, we shall see. Stinks to have spoilers over the net and stuff before we get to see it.


