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The Walking Dead

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  • #16
    I actually procrastinated doing this recap on purpose. I skipped getting pix last week, but I did watch the show, I watched the nation's jaw drop, I watched everyone go nuts over the whole Lizzy thing. If you haven't watched last week's The Walking Dead ep yet and are afraid to do so because of the reaction you're seeing all around you, let me break the last of the ice you're standing on and plunge you into that cold, dark abyss by adding that I wouldn't have hesitated to shoot Lizzy in the face immediately as soon as she handed the gun over because of the things I'd already had to handle growing up, so in my opinion, this episode still wimped out. I'd give you examples, but my beta readers haven't gotten to that material yet and I don't wanna spoil their fun.

    Even though I hesitated to start watching The Walking Dead in the first place because I have blood issues, I have no problemo talking about how the writers are slapping the viewers around with shock value. First of all, they waited this long to bring up having to put one's own down for mental illness, they still danced around the nastiest parts of it, the dialogue was so cryptic that my interests in their personal plights was actually lowered, and I came away almost as angry as I felt in 2009 after new Trek. I spit nails all over Scott while I was making breakfast the next day, breaking the scenes down and disemboweling the writers for being too soft. AGAIN. Yes, they finally got me emotionally involved, and I'm not embarrassed to confess that.

    If you're going to shoot someone anyway to put them out of their misery, especially if they are that mentally ill, there is no amount of apology or justification or negotiation that is going to soften that blow for *anyone*, particularly the person being shot. If you don't have the guts to put someone down immediately who is that much of a danger, that broken and confused, and literally that guilty and destructive that so much harm has already been done, then you become the danger yourself. I blame Carol for Mika's death. Forget the whole David and Karen thing, Carol is so responsible for allowing children to be harmed now with her really bad decision making and poor observational skills and her personal distractions from the reality that really is going on around her that I can't stand to look at her. The rest of the world can believe she was strong and wonderful in a tough crisis, I'm just super pissed that it came down to this right under her nose.

    Thank goodness for Snarkalec Radio. I listened to the live recorded show last Thursday night with Tony Solo, Kelly Thul, and Larrisa Mrykalo, and they pretty much salvaged the experience for me. These people are zombie experts, plus Larissa is an actual child psychologist when she's not writing reviews and ghost hunting (or maybe it's the other way around ), and I can't repeat enough that these are the people I want with me in the zombie apocalypse. I'm sure I'd still surprise them a little with my non-hesitancy, but I would never ever EVER blink about the ethical and emotional conundrums that wring other people's souls.

    Too bad I wasn't doing reviews when Merle was still around...

    Ok, here's the thing. If you are still having a hard time with last week's ep and you're not sure you're ready to move on to tonight's new episode, check out Tony, Kelly, and Larissa spending a little time on what I feel is the best Walking Dead recap/review on this planet to date. If they can talk ME through The Walking Dead, they can help you, too. Also, please to check out Dylan's Monday Morning Zombie Hack, full of spoilers because he fleshes out the scenes, which helps if you need a little bit of a cushion before you actually go watch this episode.

    See you guys later in the live tweet, and hopefully I'll be snapping pix again.
    790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
    I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


    • #17
      THURSDAY- Wo, what's this, I'm screwing up my whole procrastination routine. I'm updating 'early' because you guys need to get your zombie apocalypse survival plans in to --> Snarkalec Radio <-- click that. NOW. Then tune in tonight (every Thursday, actually) at 9 pm Eastern to see the LIVE interactive recording for Live 365's Loud N Loaded station.

      Before I begin, CLICK THIS PIC for original source awesomeness. It's too big to get a screen snip.

      One more gratuitous tweet from Norman Reedus before I get on with the recap.

      Disclaimer- if you haven't figured it out by now, I do a twitter recap. Everyone else does episode recaps, I recap our little brains (especially mine) reacting to stuffs. If you need an actual storyline review (and I know we all need this by now), Dylan has a pretty good one going at his Monday Morning Zombie Hack.

      The irony here is that I'm probably the one people would sic a walker on. I know Tony Solo would.

      Gotta hand it to Michonne, she is adapting well to a real future now, or at least a more pleasant present. You know what that means....

      Did you see how many Elmer Fudd and wascally wabbit one liners flew around twitter when Daryl shot that squirrel a few weeks ago? Crickets now.

      I'm just gonna say straight up that people who hafta define and then gang reinforce rules are usually the psychotic ones. Watch this guy.

      So basically we're waiting for Daryl to grow a Merle-sized pair, but until then we get to see him whine about it. Don't hate me because I'm brutal about Daryl. He's going to make a cute zombie if he doesn't pull himself together with these guys.

      I should've spelled it kitteh. I think this one slipped by too easily, cat people on twitter don't understand this is a CAT PERSON. Puma, mountain lion, ocelot, panther, bobcat, leopard, cheetah...

      In retrospect, I totally called this one.

      Click this pic to play Walking Dead, the game. If you want even more, click these words.

      790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
      I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


      • #18
        Got distracted after that last part and I'm already getting interactive myself. Before we go on, this proves I can't be turned, so I'm your last best hope in the zombie apocalypse.

        Ok, where was I? Did you all drive everyone at work crazy this week yelling CLAIM?

        I will never EVER willingly walk into a dark entrance of unknown length, challenges, and destination. Twitter obviously got pretty spooked about it.

        I really believe Dawn will be the first zombie that just keeps on talking if the apocalypse ever happens.

        If you are not subscribed to the Snarkalecs list on twitter yet- WHY NOT?

        Cheap shot, I know. But we were all thinking it, right?

        I love what they're doing here. Just saying.

        If you missed the Mike Nesmith thing, that's just one more reason you need to be following Tony's Snarkalecs list on twitter, because you aren't getting near out of The Walking Dead that you could be. Apparently there was a Monkee killing a walker that I completely missed, and all I wanna know is Was he wearing a beanie? Feel free to tackle that discussion all over again on twitter while I go get a cookie.

        Shout out to aspies, @ggfletcher is an awesome aspie mom who does Dylan Knows episodes once a month and last night hosted the first G+ hangout with the SnarkAlecs book club with @WGladstone about his book Notes from the Internet Apocalypse.

        I wonder if anyone else has ever gotten almost 10,000 faves in just a few seconds on twitter.

        790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
        I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


        • #19
          I think my number one rule would be never jump into a car when a zombie horde is bearing down. This bunch needs their own spin off, classic cartoon trio.

          I seriously would've stopped sleeping around those guys. I kept hoping Daryl would run away.

          Are y'all getting the hint that TWD is all about bossy people vs the easy to manipulate? If society breaks down, even without zombies, are you ready for this guy's finger in your face? Makes me wanna bite it, and I'm not even a walker yet.

          Soooo... big leap over how anyone knew to come to their rescue after how they got through in the first place, and why NOW it's mayhem but not for the others who went through before? I'm obviously over thinking. Carry on.

          Click this next tweet pic. Trust me, just click it. That's right, the SnarkAlecs have their very own pet celebrity. <-- Please to scroll down that link and note he was casting director of the movie that changed live TV watching. Now please to follow Gerald Webb on twitter. Thank you. It's just not right that I have more followers than he does.

          Wo, here we go, part of the Mike Nesmith thing. I forgot I grabbed this. Glitchy robot. I need rebooting.

          This next one is 'filler', you know, like that big zombie clog in the tunnel.

          See, I don't really spoil the show for anyone doing this, it's all good. If you haven't seen this episode yet, I'll let you wonder what in the world this was all about, but I'll go ahead and explain that Glenn finally relaxed and actually SMILED, so you know it's time for someone to die, right?

          I'm getting the feeling this cat ruler person wants to claim Daryl for his luv toy, because he keeps getting Daryl off to himself.

          790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
          I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


          • #20
            Are you still here? You need to get your evening organized to you can tune into Snarkalec Radio after supper.

            I thought this was cute.

            That's it. Be good little walkers and go follow Tony Solo on twitter and then check out his youtube channel for previous episodes. Want more zombie talk? Go to the experts.

            Yep, that's it. Just a straggler post.
            790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
            I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


            • #21
              4-3-14 This was my last chance to procrastinate, being the season cliffhangar, so I put it off as long as I could. According to the Walking Dead wiki, season 5 won't air until October, which actually gives me 6 months to procrastinate, but Snarkalec Radio will undoubtedly have an awesome recap tonight, and you guys need to get ready for that. To rate and comment on season 4 and have your stuff read aloud on radio with a shout out to your twitter handle, hit this link NOW. Don't wait till the show comes on tonight.

              THIS is a problem in my house. Throw in timers starting early and/or ending late or the station being recorded not quite being time synched with my DVR and we go through some pretty tense moments.

              These people and their teeny weeny fahrs. I keep wondering if this job falls under "series other crew".

              I'm hearing rumors of a spinoff, and I'm thinking Michonne could use her own show. I mean, cuz we all know this is Rick's show, right?

              My phone turns night filming blue. I told you Mr. Rules guy was psychotic and selfish, didn't I?

              Like Yoda says- "You will be. You will be."

              Did anyone else expect more out of Daryl? Twitter has built him up in our minds to be this really awesome guy. I keep insinuating that he's a wimp, because I remember he was runed from his big brother beating up on him and his daddy being a drunk and hiding behind his mommy who never taught him to at least clean up once in awhile. I bet you all hate me. But I still like Daryl. He's just really messed up and trying to walk the right vs wrong line. This scene is a HUGE deal for Daryl. He hasn't really stood up for right by himself before, has he? To this many people? Who could kill him? We've seen him run away before. He had the chance to run away, but he threw in with Rick and Michonne and Carl because even though he knew they would probably all be killed, it was the right thing to do. THIS IS WHY WE LOVE DARYL. He's a conundrum. He's an underdog. He needs luv but he's so broken only Beth could get in, and now Beth disappeared and Daryl is alone with nasty rulz, so he's choosing to go down fighting for principles. I'm terribly overthinking this when I mention that zombies weren't even part of this scene. All the time they are continually interrupted by zombies, where are the zombies when we really need them? I was hoping to see Daryl and Rick shove King Rulz into a zombie horde.

              I could've gotten way more pix but Scott was rolling his eyes. Dare I point out that Rick is now a symbolic mirror of the zombies? Because biting to kill, etc. I could write a thesis on this. You guys are getting off easy. Funny that this is so blurry it's not much of a spoiler, lol.

              I have to be honest, this is the point I'd start at in a zombie apocalypse. I wouldn't have gone through all that angsting.

              Right on, man.

              790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
              I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


              • #22
                So Rick is one righteous dude now in my eyes. He finally crossed that line, but not the way the bad guys that he killed crossed the line. I think Rick has finally accepted body and soul that sometimes you just have to be really bad to stand up for good.

                I got the feeling that Daryl was wowed, and maybe for the first time in his life he might have felt good and maybe even proud about being friends with the worst bad-ass in town. And of course, you first approach someone fresh from hell with caution.

                If you've never been through the worst day in your life with someone sitting with you, you probably didn't get major feels during this scene. But I did. Imagine knowing what the blood of your enemy actually tastes like. Yeah.

                Brothers. This scene. *feels*

                Sorry, couldn't help thinking like a mom. I've had this convo.

                Do you think Carl might really be thinking this?

                This next pic clicks to the page you didn't go rate and comment on awhile ago. DO IT NOW.

                I'm getting crazy hail and the sky just turned real dark, be back after whatever tornado is going by.
                790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
                I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


                • #23
                  Ok, where was I? I think just about everyone on twitter thinks Terminus is a cannibal state. I'll tell you what I think is really happening after I finish the tweet recapping.

                  Just wanna point out how cool Rick is with grey in his beard. Just saying.

                  I'm not being paid to bring up Silver Dollar City, but it's a big deal around here and I just linked that in case any of you decide on Branson as a vacation destination.

                  Lotta nerves going off...


                  *Big* time.

                  You know how people play air guitar and other things with their fingers? I bet a bunch of people out there are making bow fingers now.

                  I just skipped a bunch of good stuff. I will come back to it. If you are reading this and *haven't* seen the ep yet, I'm still giving you time to shut your eyes, because SPOILERS coming.

                  Personally, I'm wondering where the smokers are. This isn't being very creative for cannabalism. Sorry, I'm getting way ahead of myself.


                  Sit tight, more coming.
                  790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
                  I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


                  • #24
                    We'll see if I get this done on time, wifi is slowing down because of the storms. Zombienado across Missouri, right? That's a real thing, please to click, and then like their facebook and follow on twitter. I'm doing this because Kenn Medeiros is an aspie dad and is super awesome for following my Existential Aspie twitter, so please to follow him on twitter as well.

                    Back to the Walking Dead recap. So everybody's freaking out, dogs and cats sleeping together, mass hysteria.

                    Bob really started going to town around this time with these gigantic graphics that are too big to get full screen caps of, but they were pretty cool coming through my feed.

                    I was impressed with these herding scenes, having herded large groups of cattle on a 200 acre farm, and I saw stuff that I want to come back to.

                    Yep. You guys should follow Bob, he's really into TV show graphics. The zombie twitter logo was cute.

                    I actually missed the Victoria's Secret commercial, I was too busy pausing and yapping at bonenado. I don't know how he doesn't throw me off the deck.

                    Rick luv oozing all over twitter....

                    In the meantime....

                    That's right, my DVR switched before the show actually ended and I had to catch it after Talking Dead.

                    While I'm setting up my SPOILERS where I think they're going with Terminus, check out Dylan's Zombie Hack before you listen to the show tonight.
                    790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
                    I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


                    • #25
                      SPOILER ALERT- If you've not yet seen this cliffhangar episode, shut this window RIGHT NOW and walk away.

                      The rest of this review is apart from my twitter recap. I got the following pix with my phone right off the TV, emailed to my hard drive and resized, then uploaded to my own host. This isn't the best way to get quality pix, but I'm able to do it fairly quickly, so please bear with my blurry shots.

                      I'm starting right after Rick sees Hershel's watch that Glenn wound up with in this new guy's pocket, and next thing we know, our guys are all weapons drawn and suspicious. So first scene coming back from commercial is a nice closeup on Carl, reminding us that Carl has been pivotal throughout the season and will probably continue to be the pivotal character when 5th season picks back up next October.

                      Nice pan out, and the first thing I notice is the long shadows. If you get mixed up during the following scenes, think of the shadows as an east-west direction pointer to keep you oriented through all their running around. Many shows revolve around what is called a 'core four' in a cast, and these are our core four here. We've watched them bond over several episodes, so remember that next October, this core four is more like solidly bonded family now than anyone left standing.

                      Do you remember this spoon? I commented on a spoon near the beginning when I first started doing my Walking Dead recaps this season. Is it the same one? They don't show us stuff without a reason. There were a couple different groups awhile back mysteriously raiding campsites. I have no idea if this means something here. I want to note that it's really interesting how neatly everything is arranged and made so obvious with the outdoor cooking, especially for as few people as we're seeing around. I've already got the feeling this is a front for something.

                      For everyone yelling cannibals already, I'm noticing what might be squash blossoms, but I'm also noticing that while all the other planters around them look vibrant and healthy, this big one looks a bit wilty, which I think is something psychological the film maker is doing to us, the audience. I really do apologize for the blurriness because I did a zoom, but anyone who plants a garden can see there has been a lot of work put into growing stuff all over the Terminus set.

                      We catch on very quickly that our core four are being herded around, not being given time to think, a maze is already set up and they are being pushed hard with fear and adrenaline to rush through it. If you still have this in your DVR, mute it and go back through the running scenes, you notice more without the gunshot noises. Special effects are used, so we see all these white spots marking where the bullets are hitting, but you know it doesn't do that in real life, right? Notice how far away these spots are. They have no intention of killing anybody, at least not right now, and they're making sure they don't even nick them accidentally. I wonder why.

                      I don't know about you guys, but this race scene turned into a 'name where that car came from' game. I'm pretty sure we've seen all these cars in previous episodes. Don't wanna spoil your fun, but go back through and see if you can remember them.

                      If you take the time to go back and look this maze over, you can tell it's been used a LOT to run people. There are pock marks everywhere from bullets, so a ton of ammo has gone into this venture, which seems a little odd to me. I would think wasting ammo is a bad thing.

                      Is this the car Beth disappeared in? I'm not fanatical enough to go back and look.

                      I know this scene is moving really fast and they're scared and jacked up on their adrenaline, but the wide shots are getting really obvious. Surely someone would have been nicked by now if this were truly a life threatening situation, but none of them have the time to even think that. They keep gut reacting and doing what comes instinctively, and that's running blindly through a maze. I've run a lot of cattle across fields and into corrals and then chutes, and this looks exactly like a cattle run to me. If they were wanting to capture them, they could have done it much more easily than this.

                      790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
                      I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


                      • #26
                        The film makers went out of their way to make sure we saw Rick notice the pile of bones.

                        Better shot, and here's my two cents. Stripping bones that clean takes a lot of time. I grew up butchering and grinding meat with a hand crank, and I see a whole pile there of remarkably clean bones. We never stripped the skulls because it's pointless, and I see skulls there. These bones are tainted a little so we think they still have a thin layer of meat still on them, but that pile does NOT automatically say "cannibals" to me. Why? First of all, if you're not familiar with preparing long pork, please read down through the 4th paragraph in this instruction manual. Even people determined to eat other people kinda hang back at the incredible amount of work it is. Second of all, in pre-industrial days, many Native American tribes would put their deceased out on pallets in sacred areas so birds could pick them clean, and then go collect the bones and bring them back for proper burial. This pile of bones reminds me of that, like they've been picked clean, except they're all dumped and jumbled into a pile, probably for effect. I'm venturing a guess that these aren't necessarily the victims we think they are. Right now we're leaping to conclusions on the run during a panic attack.

                        And now we have what appears to be a shrine. Why a shrine? Who would set up a shrine to people they're eating? But the first thing we're assuming is that this has to do with dead people. It's very creepy. My first question is where in the world did they get all those candles, and why in the world are they wasting them? This is clearly for show, to psyche our guests out.

                        And then the writing on the walls. Who is this for? People who will be eaten? Why would they need to be psyched out with a weird word game? This automatically makes the viewer think the 'cannibals' are super mental, but it's making me think our guys are being hit with subliminal messaging. All this work was done on purpose to make them FEEL something, to point their thinking a certain direction.

                        And this is the message they're imprinting on the newbies' brains. The reason we are here and we do what we do is because we once trusted, and something very bad happened. It's vital to imprint this into the new visitors during a state of panic and fear.

                        This scene was pretty awesome, and bewildering, yet very ordered in its symbolism. There is an inner circle, perhaps of protection, where names are still important. There are precious belongings that have been preserved. Are these people dead? We don't know. Were they processed ahead of this group? Most likely so.

                        Why in the world would it be so important to herd new people through a place full of names they would never know because they're soon to be eaten? This whole thing reminds me of stuff I had to study about cults and brainwashing techniques. In order to get new people to bond tightly with a group, they must be put through rigorous weird hardships to break them down first, so their thinking can be rebuilt. I would propose that 'Terminus' is like a station where people get off a bus or train and then go through processing. In that last picture I noticed Judith's new dolly. I noticed other things we've seen in previous shows. What if all these people have been processed, their possessions taken away, and they are being routed to a different area?

                        The boxcars, you say. That's proof they're being kept to be eaten, you say. I say no, that is part of the brainwashing. There is still a long way to go before they'd be considered ready for integration into the group. I noticed no one in the boxcar that we got to see into looked like they'd been treated badly, except from what they'd suffered before they arrived at Terminus. I predict they don't stay in the boxcars that long because new people filter in continually, and this processing goes on nonstop.

                        Why would this even be necessary? Seems a bit extreme. Well, remember Mary's house, with her picture all bloody and people dead in their beds. Did she clean up and make it nicer out of love, respect, and anguish after she survived the spoilers? We don't know yet. We know now how nasty the spoilers were, because they were going to rape Carl and Michonne and kill Rick and Daryl. Spoilers have no mercy, even with rules, and they have nothing in their psyches to help keep an ordered society.

                        Maybe Terminus is a form of marshal law, if you will, that is weeding out spoilers and mentally ill despots like the governor. Maybe they are trying to perfect a system where there is no more trial and error trying to survive every new group you bump into.

                        And if this is the case, I bet that the evil our gang will run into next season will be even more twisted and surreal because this new group is trying so hard to keep that out. Because think about it- we really didn't see a lot of zombies in this last ep. I have a bad feeling that zombies are going to evolve and that there will have to be a new way to handle them, plus something will go all wonky with the brainwashing or something.

                        And if I'm wrong and Terminus really is all about cannibalism, there you go.
                        Last edited by Pinky; 04-03-2014, 05:03 PM.
                        790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
                        I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


                        • #27
                          In case you didn't catch the Snarkalec Radio recap of the Walking Dead season cliffhangar, here you go.

                          790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
                          I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


                          • #28
                            You guys ready for this?

                            790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
                            I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


                            • #29
                              I. Was. Wrong. I know, I tried so hard to believe they weren't going there, and I'll tell you why- every time they show us how people sink to new lows, you think "Ok, what is there left", and I figured cannibalizing was the lowest they could go. So they're leading with it, plus flashbacks, and my first thought is "Here we go, the whole season will be spent exploring how people reached that point instead of moving on to a new challenge." I reeeeeaaalllly hope they don't drag this season out like that, but I'm sure they'll keep surprising me.

                              I want to thank people still checking this thread for updates, you guys rock. Before we start I totally apologize for missing the live tweet on the season opener, I wound up being in a car when it started and I didn't want spoilers so I just shut twitter off on my phone. The live tweet is the most awesome part in my opinion, so I hope to be on that next time. But since I'm here...

                              Close your eyes if you haven't started this new season yet because SPOILERS.

                              Our gang doesn't sit around and cry about the psychological breaks shredding their brains, noooo. They GET REDDEH... Some of the kids used to do this in the middle school I went to. Totally serious. I was so ready for this rumble.

                              I was captivated by how many cool shots they were able to get inside a boxcar. My poor phone isn't worthy.

                              I'm skipping a bunch of stuff here but I'm about to rip on the set. Seriously??? Ok, so these guys go through a psychotic break and then find some spray paint and fonts and stencil their equipment... This would have been easier to accept if those bins had been smeared a little, but that entire work area was ~sparkling~. I've worked in professional kitchens that could never attain that level of utter cleanness even when we were all done and locking up.

                              I'm sorry, this made me laugh. I couldn't keep a straight face through all this 'tension'.

                              The Penguin goes first, he's got another show to come back from the dead on...

                              "My bondage scene is gonna spike the ratings and skyrocket my career, they can't kill me off now!"

                              "Choke on it, you're not the only one with fans with bondage fetishes."

                              "Do you believe those two?"

                              Here we go, I've gotta say stuff. That stainless is as pure as the driven snow, they must buff it with the softest terrycloth and a whole bottle of stainless polish after every use. Also- I'm about to rip on this method but I'll let you admire the beautiful stainless first.

                              First of all, I'd have been rolling all over that floor kicking and creating havoc and chaos. I grew up sitting on sheep to hold them still and Rick would've had a better chance to stab someone somehow if he'd been rolling around. Second of all, bodies don't bleed out correctly just slicing the throat like that, and then they jerk like crazy and the eyes roll around while they do, they don't just stay in position and conveniently slump over a giant tub. I didn't see a single set of meat hooks hanging from the ceiling. I'm also concerned that a solid hit to the back of the head tells the audience they're only knocked out- that bat could easily have broken their necks at the base or crushed their skulls in right there, and that part of the brain is what tells the heart to keep beating. You don't get a good bleed if the heart isn't still beating. (Geez, I know way too much.) I could go on, but y'all will think I'm a mass murderer or something, so I need to just drop it and accept that these guys did a better job stenciling their bins than killing their victims. And I really hope they explain the utter cleanliness. I mean, that sent more chills up me than the slaughtering did because that means the evil despot behind all this organization is so far outa town on the mental illness train that things could get way more twisted than what we just saw.

                              Each panel here only allows ten pix, so I'll be back in a little bit.

                              790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
                              I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.


                              • #30
                                Ok, where were we? Mr. Bossy is wanting a shot report.

                                This scene reminds me of sitting in my high school geometry class between a couple of ne'er do wells who taught me the KISS and WAG methods.


                                Ever since we got a burrito in our lives we notice everything about this kid. I'd love to get tips on how to train ours to be so still for so long. Unless there is something we don't know about Judith, like maybe the latent zombie virus is already okayokay I'll stop.

                                But bets are on this shot was on a doll, in which case Bilinski wants his shot glass back.

                                This scene could have been shot at Silver Dollar City, that looks like the little church, except worse. Way worse.

                                I've about figured out that The Walking Dead is like a modern western. I think this scene epitomizes the new classic, and one day in the future they'll talk about the how Walking Dead evolved 'Muricans into a new thang. The Walking Dead will be the new Bonanza when we're all older and sitting around in medical clinics watching the TV in the waiting room, and the youngsters will roll their eyes.

                                I instantly had bets all over this guy. All that talking, he's the next conundrum, right? Will he convert and become part of the gang? Will he play both sides and psyche everyone out? Just seems like a character that'll be around all season because he talked so much, and his words already carry weight. I would've liked to have seen a mouse scuttling around, or peeking out of that hole. At least a centipede. They're in the woods. There isn't even a spider in there.

                                Meanwhile... I generally watch The Walking Dead with Scott in the house. I'm doing this rewatch alone. I will speak for everyone who still can't bring themselves to watch this show and admit I had a pretty nasty anxiety attack right about here and had to take a good, long break. The zombie actually didn't bother me at all. Carol smearing blood all over herself is what got me. I know how blood coagulates and smears and smells and feels on my skin, and I know Carol has gone beyond a limit a lot of us could never even get near in the first place. I would LOVE to talk to the Walking Dead creators and ask them if they've ever spent time around lots of blood in the heat, because this scene nailed (for me) what going over the limits would be in a zombie apocalypse.

                                Gratuitous close up for Chris Coy fans before we finish this panel and move on, because imdb lists him in only one ep. I feel they wasted an opportunity with this character. If you'd like to read more here's a cool review I found featuring Martin.

                                790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
                                I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.

