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We pay property taxes on our 6 hens. People can own all the cats and dogs they want and they go feral, spreading disease and doing all kinds of damage, and owners never pay taxes on them. But I own a handful of chickens as pets and keep them contained and follow all kinds of restrictions, and I get taxed like they are farm animals. No one gets taxed on owning parrots. Sorry about the gripe, here, have a pic to make it all better. This little chickie caught a tiny frog and ran around with it like a little dolly, poor frog.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
I agree Miss Pinky! We deal with individuals dropping their pets off in the country It is very sad and we cannot take care of all of them.
Ours have all hatched now and we have 14 new biddies.
I call this one Chunk