Here are the instructions for using the Concord 3045 Digital Camera
Anyone can learn from this
Follow my instructions before trying to read the manual. I have simplified for you how to use / install and practice with this camera.
First Step ?â?ó€“ load disk
1. Do not plug in your camera until I tell you to do so in Step 8.
Put CD Disk in to your CD drive and hopefully it will just open for you. If not, then Right Click on Start----Left click once on Explore-----
In the Left pane of folders click once on My Computer.
Now on the Right Pane you will see Icon?â?ó€™s
Chose the Camera CD by Double Left Clicking on the CD Icon
Cam in suite 111 opens
Top choice ?â?ó€“ Camera driver should have red check mark
Left click once on Green Install Button and
Follow the install wizard. When the wizard is done, Restart the computer
Second Step ?â?ó€“ load Batteries
1. bottom of camera
2. Open Battery compartment
3. put in the batteries and memory card
4. close the battery compartment
Third Step ?â?ó€“ Turn Camera On
1. Power Button : press it
You may have to set the date and time using the 4 round select buttons, if not skip this step A.
Step A. set the time then press the set button once and then press the menu button once.
Forth Step ?â?ó€“ Take a picture
Make sure the dial looks like this:
1. see the red dot ?â?ó€“ when you turn the dial the little picture that is across from the Red Dot is the option selected.
a. you have 2 Picture modes
b. you have 1 play mode
c. you have 1 movie mode
d. and 2 other modes called mic. And pccam
2. Point the camera at a person or any object.
3. Press the shutter firmly
a. the camera takes the picture
b. you may see it flash
c. you will hear a funny camera sound
Please take at least 3 photos of anything.
Fifth Step ?â?ó€“ see the pictures you took
1. To see the pictures you took in the camera you will turn the dial to Play
2. now use this button to see each picture
Sixth Step 6 - Make a Movie
1. Turn the dial again to the Movie button
3. hold the camera and press firmly one time on the shutter button and release.
a. you will hear a beep and this little light will be flashing red.
speak out loud and move about the room ( you are filming a movie )
when done with at least one minute of this, press the shutter button one time to stop filming.
Seventh Step 7 - See the Movie
1. See the movie in the camera turn the dial back to play.
The movie will play Automatically and you will hear your self talking and to see the movie. You can then use this button:
To see the pictures and the movie again if you like.
Now isn?â?ó€™t this fun and easy?â?ó€?é?ª?â?ó€?é?ª?â?ó€?é?ª?â?ó€?é?ª?â?ó€?é?ª. .
Eighth Step ?â?ó€“ Put photo?â?ó€™s and movie on the computer.
1. turn the camera off by pushing the power button one time.
2. make sure the dial is set like this
Not on Play or pccam
Plug the USB cord in to the back of your computer and the other end in to the camera under the flap.
Ninth Step ?â?ó€“ DON?â?ó€™T PANIC, YOU CAN DO THIS?â?ó€?é?ª..
1. If you have the camera now plugged in, for me, it automatically opens. for you it will probably do nothing.
2. If it dose nothing ?â?ó€?é?ª..Relax?â?ó€?é?ª?â?ó€?é?ª
3. Right click once on start
4. left click once on explore
5. on the left hand side click on my computer in the list
6. now search the list for ( Removable Disk )
7. Double click the Removable disk
8. see on the right a folder called DCIM and one called Misc
9. photos are in the DCIM folder
10. double click the DCIM folder and you will see a folder in side that has your pictures and your movies.
a. you can view your photos hear but you will want to save them in a spot you will know wear to find them
b. If you have the folder open and can see the photos, first click the back button on the top left corner of the screen to put the pictures back as a folder.
c. Right click on the folder and choose send to in the list and then choose my documents.
d. It may take a few seconds or even min if you have a ton of photos or movie clips, but when it is done you can close every thing and find the photos in the folder in your documents
You can now rename the folder
Your done !
Good job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone can learn from this
Follow my instructions before trying to read the manual. I have simplified for you how to use / install and practice with this camera.
First Step ?â?ó€“ load disk
1. Do not plug in your camera until I tell you to do so in Step 8.
Put CD Disk in to your CD drive and hopefully it will just open for you. If not, then Right Click on Start----Left click once on Explore-----
In the Left pane of folders click once on My Computer.
Now on the Right Pane you will see Icon?â?ó€™s
Chose the Camera CD by Double Left Clicking on the CD Icon
Cam in suite 111 opens
Top choice ?â?ó€“ Camera driver should have red check mark
Left click once on Green Install Button and
Follow the install wizard. When the wizard is done, Restart the computer
Second Step ?â?ó€“ load Batteries
1. bottom of camera
2. Open Battery compartment
3. put in the batteries and memory card
4. close the battery compartment
Third Step ?â?ó€“ Turn Camera On
1. Power Button : press it
You may have to set the date and time using the 4 round select buttons, if not skip this step A.
Step A. set the time then press the set button once and then press the menu button once.
Forth Step ?â?ó€“ Take a picture
Make sure the dial looks like this:
1. see the red dot ?â?ó€“ when you turn the dial the little picture that is across from the Red Dot is the option selected.
a. you have 2 Picture modes
b. you have 1 play mode
c. you have 1 movie mode
d. and 2 other modes called mic. And pccam
2. Point the camera at a person or any object.
3. Press the shutter firmly
a. the camera takes the picture
b. you may see it flash
c. you will hear a funny camera sound
Please take at least 3 photos of anything.
Fifth Step ?â?ó€“ see the pictures you took
1. To see the pictures you took in the camera you will turn the dial to Play
2. now use this button to see each picture
Sixth Step 6 - Make a Movie
1. Turn the dial again to the Movie button
3. hold the camera and press firmly one time on the shutter button and release.
a. you will hear a beep and this little light will be flashing red.
speak out loud and move about the room ( you are filming a movie )
when done with at least one minute of this, press the shutter button one time to stop filming.
Seventh Step 7 - See the Movie
1. See the movie in the camera turn the dial back to play.
The movie will play Automatically and you will hear your self talking and to see the movie. You can then use this button:
To see the pictures and the movie again if you like.
Now isn?â?ó€™t this fun and easy?â?ó€?é?ª?â?ó€?é?ª?â?ó€?é?ª?â?ó€?é?ª?â?ó€?é?ª. .
Eighth Step ?â?ó€“ Put photo?â?ó€™s and movie on the computer.
1. turn the camera off by pushing the power button one time.
2. make sure the dial is set like this
Not on Play or pccam
Plug the USB cord in to the back of your computer and the other end in to the camera under the flap.
Ninth Step ?â?ó€“ DON?â?ó€™T PANIC, YOU CAN DO THIS?â?ó€?é?ª..
1. If you have the camera now plugged in, for me, it automatically opens. for you it will probably do nothing.
2. If it dose nothing ?â?ó€?é?ª..Relax?â?ó€?é?ª?â?ó€?é?ª
3. Right click once on start
4. left click once on explore
5. on the left hand side click on my computer in the list
6. now search the list for ( Removable Disk )
7. Double click the Removable disk
8. see on the right a folder called DCIM and one called Misc
9. photos are in the DCIM folder
10. double click the DCIM folder and you will see a folder in side that has your pictures and your movies.
a. you can view your photos hear but you will want to save them in a spot you will know wear to find them
b. If you have the folder open and can see the photos, first click the back button on the top left corner of the screen to put the pictures back as a folder.
c. Right click on the folder and choose send to in the list and then choose my documents.
d. It may take a few seconds or even min if you have a ton of photos or movie clips, but when it is done you can close every thing and find the photos in the folder in your documents
You can now rename the folder
Your done !
Good job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!