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Just wondering if the Instant Messaging Feature of Hit-da-pipe.com is up and working... I know that all users must have AIM or AOL IM first in order fo us to make online contact with one another...... but is there a way I could contact you? I see that there is a place that says, "WHO'S ON-LINE?"
Friday night I got my MSN Messenger to work and Judy and I were doing a webcam for awhile. I normally use AOL IM for my instant messaging on-line. People with AIM can contact me on AOL IM as Judy is doing that now....So we have 2 ways to do the instant messaging.
Yes you are correct, as Far as I am aware all the messenger programs work the same, meaning you will need for each person to use like software in order to communicate with each other. The method of starting a chat session is immaterial.