This past week has been a global and historical week in the world of cyber security. I can't even fathom the implications possibly exposed by this flaw, and I doubt many Computer Security Experts can speculate on it much better then I at this point. What do we do? What is the real problem?
The personal computer is just way to easy to use, it is like an AK-47 in the hands of babes. Sure those of us who grew up at the command line with our dark rimmed glasses and pocket protectors will be able to protect ourselves, our networks and possibly even our family's but that really is no where near enough. It's not my own systems that I need to be worried about it's the person down the street from me who buy's a new router and installs by himself. His password is still set at the default so anyone can login, he has never upgraded his firmware on his DVR or web Camera let alone his router. He has no idea even how to do it or that it even needs to be done.
As an army of networked home devices attacks the world, all of us are the victims!

Security is one of, if not the most important part of owning and operating a personal computer in today's culture. Yet working as Geek Squad Advanced repair agent (ARA) I find that most often before first securing their computer with operating system updates and antivirus software, the vast majority of users will gravitate towards social networking site's and gambling games.
Imagine spending a $1000 on new software and hardware and rather than first protecting your investment, backing up and protecting your important personal information, bank account information, family photo's, documents you first expose yourself to harms way unprotected.
Is it because they are reckless by nature and just like to live life on the edge? I don't think so, I believe it due to a lack of education. In my job and daily life I try to educate as many people as I possibly can, those who care to listen, good computer security practice.
The time to backup and secure your important data is before you accidentally click on the crypto-lock virus, not after.
The personal computer is just way to easy to use, it is like an AK-47 in the hands of babes. Sure those of us who grew up at the command line with our dark rimmed glasses and pocket protectors will be able to protect ourselves, our networks and possibly even our family's but that really is no where near enough. It's not my own systems that I need to be worried about it's the person down the street from me who buy's a new router and installs by himself. His password is still set at the default so anyone can login, he has never upgraded his firmware on his DVR or web Camera let alone his router. He has no idea even how to do it or that it even needs to be done.
As an army of networked home devices attacks the world, all of us are the victims!
Security is one of, if not the most important part of owning and operating a personal computer in today's culture. Yet working as Geek Squad Advanced repair agent (ARA) I find that most often before first securing their computer with operating system updates and antivirus software, the vast majority of users will gravitate towards social networking site's and gambling games.
Imagine spending a $1000 on new software and hardware and rather than first protecting your investment, backing up and protecting your important personal information, bank account information, family photo's, documents you first expose yourself to harms way unprotected.
Is it because they are reckless by nature and just like to live life on the edge? I don't think so, I believe it due to a lack of education. In my job and daily life I try to educate as many people as I possibly can, those who care to listen, good computer security practice.
The time to backup and secure your important data is before you accidentally click on the crypto-lock virus, not after.