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I always have fun talking with super nerds, and last week I talked to @LoweAaron from twitter about his imdb.com article "Essential Nerd Movies" at http://www.imdb.com/list/NrgtzsIC2A4/ His list is comprehensive, over 200 titles, and it's scary that I've not only seen just about every one of them, but some of them so many times that I can quote them. I let Aaron know I was impressed that he had my fave Dark City listed in his top 25, but couldn't believe missing from the list were the Cube movies. (Also didn't see my all-time cult fave The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, which *I* feel is pretty essentail .) Not sure I can embed the Cube 2 Hypercube trailer here, but you can see it at http://youtu.be/uxDycRoR9VY The graphics are truly awesome and beautiful, and if you are mathy at all or even just love thinking about hypergeometry, this is the coolest movie you'll find.
So what do you think of Aaron's list? Do you have a favorite you think should be included?