The voyage dose not begin for another 10 days, we will be flying out of O'Hare International Airport and landing in sunny Miami Florida where we will be relaxing for a day or so before we board the Norwegian Sky, a cruise ship in the Norwegian Cruise Lines.
The cruise starts out in Miami, and then travels through the night and we should arrive at the Grand Bahama Island 8 AM Tuesday the 19th of January. Then after a day of fun in the sun and maybe a little golfing, again the ship sails the ocean blue durring the night and delivers us to the Island of Nassau promptly at 8 AM, then on to the Norwegian Cruise lines Island called Great Stirrup Cay and last back in Miami at 8 AM on Friday.
We hope to do at least 18 holes of golf in both Miami and on the Grand Bahama Island, but it still not completely clear exactly how much this may cost. I will try to make a few more blog posts before we leave, but be sure and stay on the website to stay up to date with the trip.