Google swears to me that cold weather does not slow down the internet but I swear Google must be lying. It's like 41 degrees outside and the WiFi around here is noticeably slower. Since the cold weather is the only thing that's really different from usual, I can only assume that Google is being paid off. But by who....

Actually, I don't believe that at all. I should probably make that clear. I'm less concerned about Google being paid off and more concerned by how the online world makes it easy to buy into the most ludicrous of conspiracy theories. No wonder everyone is going crazy out there. So, for the record, I don't think Google is being paid off. But I do think that everyone is wrong about the cold slowing down the internet.

Which is the better option? To believe the everything is the result of a conspiracy or just to believe that you know everything? I guess both of them have their advantages.