I haven't felt much of a passion, or anything else, for television since Haven ended. So I was taken by surprise when I tuned into the pilot for Lucifer on Fox. The trailer between other shows looked interesting but I was already doubting the show on its pretense Lucifer leaving Hell to live with us (humans) for a more exciting life? Could the idea actually come together to make a show, never mind be interesting? I anticipated another show filled with horrific, gory images intended to keep me up into the wee hours of the night with an onslaught of disturbing images and violence serving up some nightmares. I'm delighted to say, I could not have been more wrong! I was able to watch the pilot again with Ambie during her first show viewing in the chatroom here at Syfydesigns.com. Her reactions matched mine. She was hooked on the show (and its playlist of music) after one episode too.

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At the start of the show we are introduced to a character laden with charisma and arrogance. Lucifer toys with the cop that pulls him over like a child with a cherished gerbil amused, entertained, intending no harm and then when he is done playing, our character moves on quickly. In fact the whole show moved quickly, too quickly; we didn't want it to end!

Lucifer, our main character played by Tom Ellis, is a mix of arrogance, curiosity, playfulness, sexiness, and most of all, an intense need for answers. He indulges to explore and understand everyone around him, but all his answers seem to come easy, even when he doesnÔÇÖt like them. In an early scene in the pilot, we watch him meeting with Delilah (AnnaLynne McCord) a now successful conquest. Lucifer is both likeable and caring in the entire nightclub segment. Throughout the conversation there is something very thoughtful and honest in the way he views life and human behavior. He reviews Delilah's life with her, even dangling the clich?®, The devil made me do it as he points out she has had control of her choices all along she is and was accountable for all of it. Not what I expected from the devil at all nor was the casual walk turned into amazing scene of OMG, OMG, OMG as everything flipped upside down. The screen turns to chaos in seconds. Ambie and I were squealing through the whole thing. When the devil approached the car, I expected flames and a crispy critter at any second. But it didn't happen. Instead, we saw the devil himself angry, poised, restrained, and "hell-bent" on finding answers to why his friend was now dead.

I don't want to give any more spoilers at this point because I'm hoping if you haven't watched, you will. As viewers, I think we will need to fasten our seatbelts for a very fun ride with this show. There is already a ship forming in my heart for Lucifer and Detective Chloe Decker (played by the amazing Lauren German). In the show Lucifer, you will find an amazing wit, snark, and humor. Ambie and I also could not escape the haunting darkness shown by Lucifer at pivotal points and wonder how much more we will be seeing of this darker side in future episodes. There is an unmistakable instant and compelling chemistry shining throughout the entire cast, but there is something else to this show that I especially loved and has me hooked.

The show has heart. Lucifer has a desire to understand what makes people tick. The need to grow and change and reach beyond what we--or in this case Lucifer, believed he could be--is an incredible human puzzle that he has mysteriously fallen under also. Several times in the show we see Lucifer spinning and flipping a coin. The sides to this viewer looked like good and evil, and Lucifer frequently dabbles with it, watching the coin spin, examining the sides carefully when he manages its movement. I suspect this simple coin dance foreshadows the series itself, and I'm excited to see how and why this is all happening to him. Lucifer is fighting conflicts like any human would "against the expectations of his father, the pressure of duty brought by his brother, his personal inner battle between good and evil" and that's just the tip of the mysteries he is beginning to explore. He even has a shrink to help him figure it out!

Heart is what made Haven an obsession with me. This show has qualities to it that echo of another obsession with me, Castle; so if you are a fan of Castle, I think you could be prime fan base for Lucifer also. I know Ambie and I are totally hooked! Please take time to check out this show. It is definitely worth your time.

Follow their official Twitter handle, @LuciferonFOX, to keep up with show info and goodies such as the music playlist for the episode. Lucifer is on Fox at 9 p.m. on Monday nights. See you in the tweetstream!
