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Pinky Stuff
I've got to be psychic or something.
Yesterday morning I was going to lounge around and just enjoy the day. I swear I actually thought "No, I'm not going to wash my hair, it's not like I'm going to wind up in an ER or someplace"... Guess where I wound up. YES.
Gram is ok, thank goodness. An abrupt slide down a pond bank during an impromptu fishing trip only badly sprained her ankle, so I'll be cooking a little extra this week.
I can't help noticing that *every* time I think "it's ok, it's not like I'm going to wind up in urgent care or the hospital" or something similar, I actually DO, and I always regret that I didn't wash my hair or put on clean clothes, or even change out of my pajamas. I used to think the cosmos was targeting me until someone pointed out that I might actually be able to see the future and I'm just arguing with myself that it won't come true because I don't want it to. Not sure I'm going to take that seriously, but it's getting a bit uncanny.
Vid I'm enjoying at the moment while I work.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
I have joined the ranks of the ear infected all over twitter and picked up antibiotic this morning. I waited till the stabbing pains melted my brain and the entire left side of my head went numb, but decided maybe I'd like to be able to ~hear~, so finally made the phone call. I am NOT a phone person. It's kind of the aspie way.
Got all excited about a secret alert email showing up out of the blue this morning about a big bad troll recruitment on Xanga, where my grandfortuna (Lexx) and bluejacky blogs are, but I can't tell if it's a heads up or someone wanting me to join the ranks. Crossing my phalanges I get trolled.If the big kids wanna pick on me, that means I'm ~cool~, man. I got bombed by Xanga staff last fall and it was awesome. But... really shouldn't hold my breath. Might have been a mistake, maybe I was part of some group list and it's nothing personal either way and I'm just another body to them. I feel like Schrodinger's cat, my Monday could be awesome or it could be just another Monday.
This is a vid rescue. It originally came from and has screeched horribly for years, not sure if it was abandoned or what. I finally just grabbed a download to see if it would take the screech out, and viola, it worked, so here's the upload. All kudos go to KOBATV on youtube. Now, back to work while I listen!
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
It's not unusual for me to herx the first 24-48 hours on antibiotic. I used to let that depress me, now I think it would be awesome to put HERX on a t-shirt. Oh, wait. I see someone did.You can click on the shirt to see more if I get this coded right. If not, you can see them at
Sometimes being a little goofy is the best time to work, and I'm punching it up with a snazzy little ditty- imagine storm troopers being your white blood cells, right?
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
At an in between spot where I can kill a little time. I get a little too involved with art on office walls. This one sucked me in several different times and I finally decided the ones I liked best all had blue in them. I guess I'm shallow that way.
This one annoyed me to no end, and I finally realized one day that it's actually quite beautiful if I can just let go of the idea that tree branches don't all sprout from one apex. (aspie fail, sorry)
I was obsessed with drawing horses as a kid, but I always have to point the head the other way. Look, a blue horse!
I love the illusion of light and the feeling of wind flowing together from a solid figure. And the horse is good. And I like the colors.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
So the troll thing wasn't about me, rats.Just someone mass emailing hijacked doctored posts from a fake blog. But should I feel worthy of making it onto the recipient list? Could that be a warning to recipients that we're next?
That was actually the chick getting trolled. I like her, she's cool.
But not as cool as me.
This is the closest I've ever come to watching anything Twilight related.
The Dogby part is my favorite.Ok, I can't bring myself to watch ANYTHING Twilight related, even from Hillywood. I refuse to apologize for that.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Some days I need serious distraction. Seriously. Like this week's last full torso ASTYM treatment- back, shoulder, neck right up to my skull, upper arms, and chest including lower neck muscles. Roughest one yet, left a little bruising again, and I don't think I slept more than 3 hours last night in tiny batches. I have trained my brain not to want to kill people on days like this.The hard part is I can't just sit and watch tv or play on the laptop, I have to keep moving or hopefully sleep some more. You know, in case you wonder why I spent an hour or two cross tweeting funny stuff from facebook in the middle of the night, that's me on the droid not whining.
I know this is sappy, but today is a big hug for all the people on the internet just getting through their days, hanging onto whatever stuff gets you through. And a big thanx to the ones out there creating distraction. You rock.
And if you are bored and want more, there are a LOT of links in my Colin Morgan Survey. You're welcome.
Yeah, yeah, other people who aren't Colin fans, here's breaking gossip or news or whatever. We're going to be looking into what it takes to get a kickstarter account going after tax season is over. No promises, not sure when or how, but this is something a number of us really really want, and someone's gotta do the grunt work. Feel free to encourage me.790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
You know how people get involved in reading 5 books at the same time? I'm writing 5 books at the same time. I know, my head is like *wo*.
Ok, I just google searched "lolcat acid trip" and got some really cool stuff and a SPIDER.What the crap?! You people and your stupid spiders.
Of course, that opening front page might change over time, so if you go there later and there's no spider, thank goodness, huh?
I've actually never done acid. I've never needed to. My head tends to blow people away anyway (not necessarily a good thing), imagine living in it. Whoever memed Party Spock is a genius.
My biggest bane right now is allergies. I live in the woods, it's a plethora of tree sex molecules out there, Scott comes in coated with the stuff from the yard work he's doing, and we go into sneezing fits with the windows closed during allergy season, as is recommended. I try to make him strip at the door, but that major fails when he's not sweaty enough to want to do that yet, so no amount of benadryl and closing windows is going to stop the pollen from literally sitting on my couch.
So between all the benadryl and sneezing and earballs popping and oozy stuff in my head, I get my coolest ideas EVER and start writing like a maniac...
My work music starting off my day. (I burned through 4 Weird Al CDs yesterday.) (Yes, I sang the whole time. I have all of them memorized.) (Yes, I can do that and write at the same time.)
You guys have a rockin weekend, too, ok?
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Scott is frustrated that he hasn't seen a hummingbird yet to tag onto the map. Hummingbird Migration Maps My sister watches The Missouri Black Bear Project. Me, I usually just check the pollen counts... National Allergy Forecast & Information About Allergies | Or space weather. SpaceWeather- News about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, & asteroids
Was hoping this would be a real fractal animation, but it turns out to be awesome work music, so here you go.
If you want to see a good fractal animation, pop these open, they're pretty awesome. (I'm allowed one youtube per post.) Actually, I don't get any work done at all watching those, but they're great for brain breaks, like a palate cleanser for thought. I've never had writer's block, by the way. Try these. *mind blowwwn* Caution- if you've never done fractal animations set to cool music before, you're gonna feel weird. It's ok, you're not being brainwashed, you won't have seizures. Float into it like a beautiful nirvana experience. Your brain will thank you.
You know what? Here's a list. Have a fabulous weekend.(I just saved you thousands in vacation and therapy costs.)
fractals animation - YouTube790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
I woke up in shock. I'd spent the last hour in my deep sleep lost in a huge building packed with people. Never could figure out if it was a medical clinic, a mall, or an airport. There was a book signing while a nurse called people's names, a kid's costume party while kids were getting shots, someone that knew me that I couldn't recognize laughing because I just remembered I'd forgotten to take a pill for a month that I didn't know I was supposed to be taking. Tried to text Scott but the 'send to' kept winding up like "Barry". Noticed through my frustration that I'd missed his call by a couple of hours, crap, had the sound muted! >=( Kept pushing my way through people, completely lost, feeling upset, when a cop stopped me and asked if I'd like him to call me a cab because I realized I was blocks away from where Scott had parked the car. Then I was out on a dark street behind a trash truck, still walking.
Meanwhile, Scott was trying to park the car. (This is his dream now, we compared dreams this morning.) He noticed the parking lot had emptied out and wanted to move the car closer, because it was acres away, but after he finally reached the car and got in, the parking lot turned to sand and moving it closer got hard. Then it turned into a outdoor cafe, so he got out and carried the car so it would fit between the tables. He spent hours negotiating the car through all kinds of changing environments, frustrated that all he'd wanted to do was move the car real quick before he turned in the hotel keys. He remembered the he should call me and suddenly his parents appeared, they'd just left their keys in their room, which upset Scott even more because he realized he'd left our keys in the room, too, and he'd wanted to drop them by the desk.
So we got up, stumbling around getting coffee, and I noticed my laptop was closed. I never close the laptop. He couldn't find a registration letter all set to go in the mail, looked all over and found it in a sack he was going to take to recycling. We laughed and accused each other of sleep walking and doing weird things in our sleep. No issues were resolved.
And that is how I start my Monday, already exhausted at 4:30 a.m. Not helping that I have an appointment for cleaning my teeth first thing this morning. Seriously outa whack in my head. Obviously had stress dreams. We have to travel soon. I have Aspergers and feel 'lost' when I'm out of my routine. The rest of mine could be twitter. Then Scott's parents are old, we live next door, he's constantly taking care of something, speaks for itself.
Today's head music is all about regaining my balance.
If you liked that, here's a list of more by Hilary Stagg.790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Super busy today.
My head music while I work. I'm actually listening to the full length version, but it's more fun to see Bradley. This is the guy I'd love to see play arch heretic Thodin if there is ever a Lexx backstory done.
And I'm actually not a stalker, I really suck at that kind of stuff because I'm way too busy, but I do love that song. Here is Thodin, you're probably wondering if you haven't seen I Worship His Shadow.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
I got a little dressed up for something, and omg I so suck at selfies. I think this is why I can't play guitar, either, I can't hang onto my phone for beans. If I weren't so allergic to makeup and hair products I could probably at least look cute. I could pretend like I have a cat and blame the cat, but you all know I don't have one.
It's kind of a Bradley day, psyching up to get out the door. Sometimes I have to throw part of my brain out into the yard so I'll follow it out. Just one of those days.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Yesterday I kept thinking it was Tuesday all day, and I somehow kept thinking today would be Friday, so when Scott called me up and said he was taking a vacation day, I was all *duh*, you're off on Friday anyway, so he had to spell it out, I saw my dorkness and went woot, 4-day weekend! So today I woke up and he's home and I automatically thought it's Friday and completely forgot about another appointment because of that, even though I KNOW we are having a big day out tomorrow *Friday* getting stuff done, so he wound up driving me in at the last minute in nasty weather while I slapped my forehead, but thankfully that saved my ~*~Thursday~*~.
Undaunted, I came home and immediately started thinking tomorrow is Saturday...
I blame my awesome 2013 Merlin calendar. They're running the days up and down one side in only two rows, it's completely throwing me off.
But at least I'm back on track and multitasking like Eoin's Maltese is after me. Who is Eoin? He's this terrible ugly little man who keeps soliciting people for money so he can warp their souls with his projects.
Actually, he's a knockout and a sweetie and really cool with the fans on twitter and you can see way more of him on Terri's pinterest. And who knows, maybe someday I can talk him into coming onto a Lexx project.790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Yesterday was so long, my head is just mush today. But does that mean I can't work? NO!Because "quitters never win, and winners never quit!" I just quoted a line from one of my all-time top fave Saturday morning shows, The Kids From C.A.P.E.R. That was Doomsday yelling at Smiling Syd in "The Terrible Tollman". My sister had wits enough about her to hold a cheap audio tape recorder up the TV while the show aired every week, and we still have nearly every episode on tape and listen to them once in awhile. I also own the music album. Jealous much?
This is one show that has nearly been lost forever, except for really super uber obsessive dedicated fans who have devoted their lives to getting this show released. The C.A.P.E.R. Project If you'd like to see more, here are a few more links.
The History and Actors of The Kids from C.A.P.E.R. |
The Kids from C.A.P.E.R. (TV Series 1976– ) - IMDb
Kids From C.A.P.E.R. -
The Kids From C.A.P.E.R.: Old Memories
The Kids from C.A.P.E.R.
Not sure how in the world other fans got their hands on actual video, but the Kids from C.A.P.E.R. are showing up on youtube now, at long last. Here is the first part of my very fave episode, "Phantom of the Drive-In"
See what other eps are up!
Kids from CAPER - YouTubeLast edited by Pinky; 04-20-2013, 08:53 AM.790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.