From the start tho, Tammy, this was a great movie for us! Awesome pick! I never doubt the movies you pick for us, and this was another amazingly (horrible) one!

Vic Savage (as A.J. Nelson)
Vic Salvage, Robert Sillphant*
Vic Salvage as Martin Gordon
Shannon O'Neil as Brett Gordon
After escaping from a crashed space ship, a snail like creature terrorizes all humanity! And all humanity snail squishing follows.
Okay, many of us retro sci-fi geeks regard this as one of the worst films ever (as pointed out by the quips below). And there have been many reviews done about how bad this movie is. So I won't take my review in that direction. What I will do is point out all of the nepotism in the movie.
First, Vic Salvage! Let's just all giggle and get over that, AJ!
Second, most likely, Robert didn't write this movie; His brothers Allan and Sterling did.
It is not consequential how the movie got made, but better the fact that we had a great movie to watch!
And obviously the #LateNigtMovie gang had fun!
In Spirographvision
WE all had our goggles on for that, Kelly!
This movie is exquisitely excrementlike, but I adore it
SFX Guy: Okay, here's what we'll do. You grab that part of the creature from the last movie we did, and I'll just sew a couple of rugs on the back of it
Nothing this big???? Poor dear...
Sadly, yep!

like no one had driven on the road before them
special unit last night was much better
Wait for the comments, Jinni!
That narrator is so handy. Saves so much time having to write pesky dialogue and stuff...
how does this talkin guy know so much?
we should DUB our own dialogue into one of these for fun
"I thought that is what the #LateNightMovie gang does each week! LOL (Patrick)
Rosemary's baby
It's the IKEA carpet that ate Cleveland
it's not every day that you get to lock eyes with a giant constipated snail
Winner tweet! Jinni!
But at the end of filming, they rolled up the carpet, lit it on fire, and got really high so there was that.
no words
Well you did have words Kelly, And I will give you to them!
Kelly said it best!
REPORT: Identified human weaknesses: 1) They stand still when frightened. 2) They stand still when their dancing is interrupted 3) Some are SUPER fat 4) They can easily be tricked into crawling
Thank you Warren, Pinky, Phil, Lisa, Myrna, Kapt Kurt, Kelly, Jes, Jinni, Holly, Myke and Ambie for watching #LateNightMovie with me!