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Big Ass Spider
I never dreamed I would do a tweet review of a spider movie.I've become so corrupted anything can happen now.
Those familiar with my Walking Dead tweet reviews will notice the way my twitter snaps look has changed. I just went through the big twitter facelift, and so far I love it because I can get back to week old tweets a lot faster than I used to.
Big Ass Spider is the sort of movie I used to avoid like the plague, but since hanging out with the Snarkalecs starting around this time last year, I'm getting the hang of live snark tweeting Syfy original movies and The Walking Dead and several other shows. I must explain better. I would ESPECIALLY have avoided Big Ass Spider because I have severe arachnophobia, which I've even brought up in a psychologist's office. I already live the spider nightmare near the edge of a state forest, and regularly have visitors like these in my house.
The Snarkalecs know of my spider cringiness, and I'm not alone, there are 2 or 3 more, but for some reason I seem to be the spider queen both in real life and on twitter, and there is plenty of opportunity for me to gag and feel faint through my days.
So I just want to say right now that I've been through the baptism of fire, and now I'm pasting spider pix through my day, so I think I get a gold star with my psychologist for not shutting my laptop and walking away. I even had the crazy idea to make a spider in my meringue before the big tweet, so I can honestly say I've eaten spider pie.
I usually get a lot more pictures during a live tweet, but the #BigAssSpider hashtag feed was so awesome it was hard to drag my eyes away and stop simply retweeting. So heads up, bunch of my friends show up in this tweet review, and yes, I did get pix.
I love Greg Grunberg, so this opening was pretty cool.
Don't worry, if you haven't seen this movie yet, I'm not much of a spoiler person. I'll never mention who dies, so if your favorite chopper goes down, my lips are sealed.
But just in case other people spoil something for you, shut your eyes right now until this tweet review is over, just to be safe.
Spider movies bring out all kinds of exciting TMI that arachnophobes don't feel the need to know, but nice tat, right?
I am allowed 10 images per panel, so keep scrolling through.790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
I think it would actually be pretty hilarious if Big Ass Spider became an Easter classic, lol...
Reading piles of this stuff rots your brain. My brain is full of spiders now.
I can't imagine a lovable mucus-like chaos monster having a problem with spiders, but there you go, learn something new.
I would have found these extremely upsetting 6 months ago. Now I think it's funny.
Seriously, I was checking everything around me...
And now I have a spider song stuck in my head, thank you so much...
I was really into Reaper, was cool seeing Ray Wise in this.
Musical??? Big Ass Spider on Broadway.
I've always imagine tiny screams, so this unnerved me.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
I love fans.
I would love to hear feedback from Mendez about how he thought the live tweet went.
And this is where the live tweeting gets all warm and fuzzy as we huddle together shaking.
I feel like Syfy movies are preparing us for the future, like a giant social media classroom.
I was getting a little scattered by this point, between ducking my eyes from the screen and looking things up on IMDB, so I may have to rewatch. I can't believe I just thought I might have to rewatch a spider movie.
Remember the old MST3K days? Twitter is like a bunch of Crow and Servo bots in my head watching the movie with me. I hope we never go back. I hope we get chips put into our brains and we can think our tweets.
Seriously, I saved all these. I love you guys.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Ok, so I won't enjoy instant brain tweets like this one. >=l
Phil's right, this was one of the biggest Syfy tweetfests I'd ever tried to keep up with. I couldn't drag my eyes away from glancing between screens. I'll be honest, I thought I'd be able to ignore the movie and snap pix with my phone, but I was trying to watch and retweet at the same time, thoughts of getting pix still weren't even clicking my light bulb here yet, although I finally gathered enough of my brain cells back up to tweet a little more, barely. I really admire the Snarkalecs who can tweet like maniacs and still get what they're watching.
I should probably mention that even @bonenado couldn't pull himself away to check his fantasy baseball teams at this point.
I felt like we had a coach helping us through. @TScottBrave has been my spider mentor.
Here we go, getting my coordination back. Finally. It was like pushing my jaw back closed and hitting a reset button.
I remember being thankful pix of Aragog and his babies weren't showing up in the hashtag feed. I think other people were too transfixed by this time to cross tweet much any more.
Nope, you couldn't have told me I'd actually be glued to a spider movie as a film student. I was flipping through IMDB like a crazed robot.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Once the www human hive mind has been established (I think twitter is a form of beta testing), we'll do problem solving like this, everyone throwing out fun ideas. By then maybe we'll actually have proton packs.
This was my absolute favorite tweet, had to pull it out speshul.
@LisaMarieBowman is my fave movie maven, she knows nearly everything.
Somebody had to say it. I don't apologize.
If I were watching this movie as a child, my life would have been ruined here. Thank goodness I'm grown up now.
This impressed me. I'm no graphix professional, but after 8 years of following chickens around with a camera and then photoshopping some of them, yeah, I was impressed. Ok ok, I know they weren't really following a big spider around. It's still impressive.
Lombardo Boyar tweeted right at me! *faint*
Keeping it in perspective. I think the Snarkalecs were the perfect compliment to Big Ass Spider.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
+_O Um...
And then happy shouts went up across the land.
Big Ass Spiders is definitely raising the bar for Syfy movies.
All you people who still don't have twitter and make fun of other people tweeting all the time, you are missing so much. When Fear and Loathing meets Big Ass Spider, I am in heaven.
And here we go, Big Ass Spider is cult lingo. Everybody and their dog will be calling everything a big ass something.
Always keep gingersnaps around. Just do it.
You know it's a genius movie when you suddenly feel gypped that you didn't have toy spiders to play with growing up. This movie is messing me up.
Ha, made #scarysocial jealous.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Word. We usually make bets on who dies next.
Obligatory Tsoukalos. Best meme ever.
Remember that lament about wanting a toy spider to wreck playsets? Click this next tweet snap.
I'm not sure I could seriously live on this earth anymore if this were a real thing. I would die of asthma just looking at it.
@laura_norman9 slays me. You should hear her zombie apocalypse plans.
El Diablo is toying with me.
This movie cross tweets with everything under the sun, now we need Big Ass Jose for President t-shirts.
Like icing on cake. You're welcome, Mendez.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Click this tweet snap for the OHNO scale.
I'm a 'you had me at goggles' person.
Yeah, can you imagine a sequel?! O_O It would have to rewrite the rewrite.
If you're wondering how to help us rate Syfy movies, jump in live tweets with the Snarkalecs and watch for these linked tweets.
I was followed by a few of the cast, too.
It was definitely easier to get through a spider movie with a support network, lol.
Even after the movie was over, viewers had a hard time leaving the party.
790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.
Yeah, kinda beats the flying monkeys of Oz that I grew up with on Easter. O_o
Big Ass Spider, the reality show...
My chickens love spiders.
I am thinking more about spiders at bedtime now, not terribly happy about that...
Can't wait to see how much Big Ass Spider shows up across other media now.
Very well said. Bravo.
This is the longest movie review I've ever written. Ok, not really.
I'm normally not a movie reviewer, although I've put my own spin into a few reviews. I love the escapism of film, I love the concept of film study, etc. My favorite film reviews are by Lisa Marie Bowman at The Shattered Lens and the Snarkalecs group on facebook.
Anyway, a couple days before the #BigAssSpider live tweet, this happened. Click that screen cap to follow @madmanmendez on twitter.
And then this awesomeness happened. Click this screen cap to go to youtube and see the Snarkalec Radio interview with Mike Mendez.
If you're into pinterest and want to hang on to that interview, guess what, I pinned it. You're welcome.790: You're wasting your energy attempting to force my cooperation.
I have no sense of self-preservation and I can always be reassembled.