The scores file was compiled by: SyFyDesigns Trivia Bot, v4
This file was created on: 23:33:30 03/03/2018
Ranking | Name | Score | Best Time | Best Streak | Best WPM |
1 | LisaMarieBowman | 3167 | 3.61 | 52 | 44.910179640719 |
2 | Philo | 2040 | 7.687 | 3 | 12.271962524329 |
3 | holly | 2040 | 12.047 | 2 | 12.907852 |
4 | caniac | 2012 | 7.688 | 2 | 14.047866805411 |
5 | Lollie | 216 | 4.766 | 5 | 33.755274261603 |
6 | myke | 159 | 4.343 | 5 | 19.654231119199 |
7 | Hols | 83 | 6.984 | 5 | 19.870839542971 |
8 | TRDowden | 54 | 4.078 | 3 | 35.27815468114 |
9 | Jes | 36 | 3.828 | 4 | 30.318342597271 |
10 | Lisa | 10 | 6.422 | 10 | 23.4375 |
11 | Paddie | 10 | 18.61 | 2 | 6.601870529983 |
12 | theClurichaun | 9 | 9.593 | 3 | 6.254561 |
13 | SesameSquirrel | 8 | 5.157 | 3 | 16.941176470588 |
14 | Janika | 6 | 7.703 | 3 | 18.963766 |
15 | KellyT | 3 | 6.563 | 1 | 12.799024836203 |
16 | kurtzellner | 2 | 26.016 | 1 | 6.918819188192 |
17 | moonstarflwr | 2 | 11.64 | 1 | 14.432989690722 |
18 | Pinky | 1 | 9.093 | 1 | 7.918178818872 |
19 | Janeen | 1 | 8.828 | 1 | 12.233801540553 |
20 | Moon | 1 | 6.921 | 1 | 15.604681404421 |
21 | Cin | 1 | 26.313 | 1 | 5.016531752366 |
22 | KurtyKurt | 1 | 21.828 | 1 | 6.597031 |
23 | janeeny | 1 | 18.14 | 1 | 3.969128996692 |
24 | matt | 1 | 17.516 | 1 | 10.961407 |
25 | QuesodelDiablo | 1 | 15.438 | 1 | 12.436844150797 |
26 | IamIronman_steve | 1 | 15.047 | 1 | 4.785006978135 |
Made with SyFyDesigns Trivia Bot, v4