I read as many reviews about the Norwegian Sky Cruise trip to the Bahamas as I could take, so I will make this a quick sort of "review before the review" from what I have read. Many people were positive with their reviews, the food sounds like it is going to be just "good" but not spectacular with the exception of breakfast, it sounds like the one meal the Norwegian sky does well is the first one of the day. I do love huge a pile of french toast, butter and syrup in the morning. I also saw several favorable reviews of a place called Cagney's, on Deck 12, it's NCL's signature steakhouse. I should be able to talk my wife into going on date night.
From what I read that most of the people, did not care for the outings and executions, the shops got a universal thumbs up on every review. I One lady said the beaches and caves trip was not worth it and another said her snorkel was broken and had the "water in throat" couldn't breath problem Kathy had the first time we snorkeled. It's nice to have better gear. There are supposed to be two driving ranges or nets and a golf shop on board the ship. I might try a place called Fortune Hills Golf Course for $50 including clubs and cart. The lady on the phone I talked with (242-373-4500) said that it wont be very busy and we probably wont need to call for a tee time, will have to wait and see.

Some people were negative by the way, I don't know why they would waist the energy, I have personally already made up my mind that the trip will be fantastic! There is a universal complaint about the cost of the souvenir cups that hold the same amount of liquid as the other ones but cost $2 each, people seam to agree that they push those on you, and you will have to repeatedly ask for the "small" cup or be charged the $2 extra for each mixed drink. I say bring the cups home! I will use um

to be continued...